🍋Billy Loomis x Fem! Read Pt. 3 (Last part)

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First person POV

I raise an eyebrow and smirk at him, I bite my lower lip. "You sure you can handle another round?~ You barely lasted through the first one?~" I rug his thigh. He moans slightly and nods.

"I can take it mommy~ I need it~"

I smirk, Wanting him to keep begging which he does. 

"I can last another round..." Billy muttered, his voice still full of arousal and desire. "I can last however many rounds you want. I don't care how dirty or rough you get with me, I'm your plaything tonight, and I'm here to entertain you." He was getting lost in the moment, his lust and passion eclipsing any logic or reason. All he knew was that you were in charge, and he was willing to do anything to please you. 

I get on top of him, I straddle his hip and he whimpers slightly and I grind on him a bit to tease him. "Alright my handsome boy~ Since you begged so nicely...I'll give you more~" I bite his ear. "I was going easy on you before now...I won't hold back now~"

Billy let out a loud moan as you got on top of him. His body trembled with desire and excitement, wanting you to take total control over him. He was at your mercy, totally powerless, and he loved it. "Yes... Please," he whispered. "Don't hold back, punish me; make me bleed for you." He was willing to go as far as you wanted, willing to let you do whatever you pleased with him. 
I smirk and bite on his neck, Just wanting to hear him beg more. I bite down hard enough that I draw some blood.

Billy cried out in pleasure before the pain from your bite took over. The pain was almost too much, but at the same time, he couldn't get enough of it. "Mmm~ Yes~ Please, bite me harder," he pleaded, his voice shaky and filled with lust. "I want it to hurt, I want it to be the most beautiful pain I've ever felt. Make me suffer, please... I want to be your toy. Show me just how cruel and dominant you can be." 
I decide that I will not show him ANY mercy and I start attacking his neck with my teeth, I bite restlessly drawing blood. I listen to his whimpers and cries and it just makes me want to make it worse. Billy let out loud cries and whimpers as you attacked his neck with your teeth. He could feel the intense pain from each bite, but it was a good pain. It was a pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt. He wanted to suffer for you. And as you heard his cries, you only felt more motivated to be brutal and merciless. You wanted him to feel good, but you also wanted him to know just how much of a danger you were. He was your toy, your prey, and tonight, he would suffer. I grind on him and I leave a trail of dark hickeys on his neck; I lick up all the blood I drew on his neck sensually just to tease him more. "Good boy~ My good boy~ Take your punishment~"

Billy shuddered and quivered as the trail of dark hickeys spread across his neck. The hickeys were like a painful, yet pleasurable mark, a symbol that you had claimed him as your own. And he loved the feeling. He let out a loud moan as you licked up the blood. He tried to be a tough and dominant killer, but you brought out his submissive side. He was at your mercy, and he relished in his own vulnerability. "Mm~ I'll take it all... I'll take anything you give me." The words felt so natural coming from his mouth.
I suck on the bleeding spots drinking his blood and tracing my tongue around the wounds, Making sure it would sting to make him hurt more and more.

Billy let out muffled cries of pain and pleasure as you sucked on the bleeding spots and traced your tongue around his wounds. He tried to be strong, but you left him no option. He was your plaything, your prey, and tonight, he had to submit to you. The wounds stung, but the feeling of your tongue on his wounds left him both hurt and aroused. He was powerless, and he loved it. You were controlling him and making him feel things he never thought he could feel. He was lost in you and your lust. 

I bite him more and more and take his shirt off in one fast motion, I bite down his chest leaving hickeys and sucking away the blood. "My good boy~ You take punishment so well~ You'll get rewarded for this~ Your reward will take a bit but remember...Good boys wait~"

Billy cried out as you bit down on his naked chest, leaving hickeys across his skin as you sucked the blood. He felt the pain, but it felt so unbelievably good to him that the pain was welcome. It gave him a rush, an incredible high that he had never experienced before. "Y-yes..." he whispered in between painful whimpers. "I l-like punishment... I'll be a good boy... I'll wait for my reward." He couldn't stop himself from panting and shaking as you made him feel things he'd never felt before.

"Yes~ Good boy!~ Such a good boy~" I take his belt off and I smirk at him. "Be a good boy and give me your wrists~"

"Y-yes mommy~" Billy let out a soft moan as you took his belt off. He shivered and quivered, wondering just what the belt was for. He moved his arms beneath his body so you could take his wrists, his eyes filled with both lust and anticipation. You were in control of him right now, and he was okay with it. He closed his eyes and waited for you to see what you would do to him. The feeling of anticipation was exciting, and it only heightened his arousal.

I use the belt to tie his wrist together, I put his arms above his head on the headboard; So his arms are stuck there. I grind on him again but faster which makes his eyes roll into the back of his head and he moans, he pants and whimpers as I do that. "Good boy~"

Billy moaned as you tied his wrists together, the belt feeling tight but also comforting. His arms were stuck there, and he wasn't able to move them. He couldn't even try to fight back, as painful as the position was. He could only submit himself to you, and he was beginning to enjoy it. He moaned and panted again as you put his arms above his head. He was completely defenseless now, at your mercy. "Mmm~ So tight..." he whimpered, his voice raspy and deep with lust.

I take his pants off and smirk and look him up and down. "Hmm~ Wouldn't it be just cruel that I leave you here like this~ And I make you watch me pleasure myself?~ That would be so cruel wouldn't it~" I smirk and look at him with a sadistic look in my eyes. 

Billy's eyes widened as you took off his pants, leaving him completely exposed. The feeling was humiliating and exciting at the same time. He let out a soft moan as your eyes roamed over his body, taking in every part of him with a lustful gaze. He gulped as you asked him if it would be cruel to leave him here and pleasure yourself in front of him. The thought was both tantalizing and torture at the same time. "Yes... That would be cruel..." he breathed. "Don't do that... Please..." he begged not knowing if he could make it if I did that. 
I take my shirt of slowly to tease him more, after round one I didn't bother to keep my bra on so it was already off. "Oh~ But what if I do~"

Billy watched you strip, his eyes locked on your body and his heart pumping with anticipation. You were torturing him in a way he never thought possible, and it made him feel so vulnerable, yet alive. The fear he felt added to his pleasure. "Please..." he begged, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "Please, don't do this... You're getting me all worked up... It's just too much... It hurts... Please, just..." His voice trailed off as he realized just how out of control he was.

I smirk and I sit in front of him and I begin to rub myself, making him watch me, I moan a bit. "Oh darling~ It's to late~ I think I might just tease you~"

Billy moaned and groaned as you sat in front of him and started to rub yourself. He was watching you, unable to look away. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen, and it was making him want to explode. "P-please..." he whispered. "I can't take it anymore... Y-you're going to make me... I can't..." He sounded desperate and needy, the kind of tone he didn't think he was capable of. But here he was, out of control and begging you to stop teasing him.

I start to finger myself and I moan his name just to tease him more. Billy was shaking and trembling as you continued to rub yourself. His eyes were filled with lust and desire, as he watched your body and your motions. "Nnn... Please, baby... Please, stop it..." he whispered. "I can't... I can't take anymore..." He was on the edge, and you were taunting him, trying to bring him closer to it, only to deny him the release he so desperately wanted.
I keep fingering myself making him watch and he keeps begging me to stop, He has tears in his eyes. I finally cum on my fingers and Iick some of it then I take my fingers and force them into his mouth; Making him drink my cum. He sucks on my fingers and swallows down all the cum. "mmm~ Good boy~" I remove my fingers and he moans and look up at me pleading. "Now you get your reward~" I go over to him and I grab his shoulders and I slam myself down on his dick. He moans loudly. 
"M-Mommy!~ O-oh! Shit!~ Mommy that f-feels so good!~ Oh~ You s-so tight!~" He pants and whimpers, I moan and I keep riding him. Slamming myself on his full length over and over. After a bit he cums. 
After he cums I clean him up and get him in comfy clothes and he cuddles up to me; Being the little spoon. We fall asleep with him in my arms 

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