"My poor jelly ,he went through a lot. Get well soon, Nu."

They move towards the other side of the cabin where the crib is situated, peeking inside.

The baby was sleeping just now when Zee left, but she's waking up again, parting her eyelids and looking at the three of them with big, twinkling eyes.

The baby was sleeping just now when Zee left, but she's waking up again, parting her eyelids and looking at the three of them with big, twinkling eyes

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"Hi, baby!"

Max whisper squeals, waving a hand at her.

It goes unnoticed by the baby girl.

She kicks her leg under blanket instead, soft coos leaving her mouth.

"She's so wiggly,"

Zee chuckles,

"Can't stay still even for a moment."

"Seems lively,"

Nat remarks, he leans over the crib,

"Hey sweet girl, how are you? I'm uncle Nat. I'm gonna cook the first food you ever eat other than milk or those tasteless, bland baby formulas, yeah?"

"You'll have to fight with P'Net  on that one,"

Max reminds him.

"Net specializes in meat, P'Max, I specialise in porridge. Who do you think But would let cook for his daughter? The answer is obvious,"

he finishes smugly.

They exit the room quickly after that, not wanting to disturb Nu's rest.

The baby keeps falling in and out of sleep. She's gonna need a feeding soon.

"What about Sky? He didn't give you too much trouble, did he?"

Zee asks the couple.

"Oh no, he was a sweetheart. He did get a little upset in the morning though. Nothing a delicious breakfast can't fix."

"He wanted to come meet Nu and the baby. But we felt that it wouldn't be the best for him to see Nu in this state,"

Max informs,

"So we left him at the My father house before coming here.Hopefully playing with my dad"

"Yeah, that's for the better, Max. He's very sensitive to Nu's moods and conditions,"

Zee agrees, though a little part of him wishes Sky was here.

His instincts right now are haywire and the need to see his family together, safe and healthy is a little excruciating.

"What about you? Did you eat?"

Max squeezes at his shoulder like he already knows the answer.

"Mm no, not yet. I just sent Nat's mom  to get their lunch in the cafeteria. Nobody has eaten anything since the morning. I'd go once they are back."

"Ohhh....My Mom is here...mmm she loves Nu so Much...

I packed lunch Both for you P'Zee,"

Nat shakes the plastic bagin his hand,

"But Nu is not allowed to eat solid food for now, I suppose? Take this and go to the cafeteria.

We'll watch over Nu and your daughter,"

Nu almost shoves the bag in his hands.

"'S fine Nat. I can just eat later-"

"Nuh-uh. Go to cafeteria. Relax a bit, get yourself an iced coffee. Eat. Nu's fine P'Zee,"

Max shoos him towards the elevators,

"We're gonna be here when you come back."

"Zee, you have to be in sound health to take care of Nu and your kids, you know that,don't you?"

Max interjects pointedly.

Zee nods his head with a defeated sigh.

He starts walking back towards the elevator.

"Okay,alright. You win. I'll be back in 15 minutes."

"Make that 30. Bye."


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