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My names Jeremiah. I'm 17. I currently live at a mental institution known as "Sick Minds" since I was 15. I have Schizophrenia which is a brain disorder. In my eyes I see it as in My reality is just different then yours. According to my therapist though my reality is nothing like what a normal teenage boy would have.

I also have Separation Anxiety disorder since I was 10. I was only 3 when my father had died, but 10 when my mother had died. Since then I've been sent to 5 different Foster homes and was raped.

When I was 8 I was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality disorder. It was mostly caused because I was always treated that I was less then what I am. Eventually I convinced myself that I was superior then them to the point where It took over my thoughts and made me think I'm superior then everyone in the world. Cause well.. I am.

At my last Foster home there was too many kids running around. My Foster mother decided because of these disorders I should be sent to "Sick Minds" just to make room.

I've been at Sick Minds for 3 years now. Trying to get better. I was originally here because of my disorders, until they found out about my addictions to Weed and Cigarettes. Now I'm stuck here till I get better. If I get better, I've been getting sent to the quiet room for smuggling Weed and Cigarettes. Of course, they gave me shots and made me go through therapy four times a day instead of two. Though I usually manage to go to two before flipping out on my therapist. I'm never getting out of here. I swear.

So! Here it is (x The description on Jeremiah ^~^
Next will be Eliana! Love you guys!


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