Chapter 17: Return To The Underground

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Toriel: The pie is ready!

We all sat at the dining table and ate the butterscotch pie that Toriel made, there was something about the pie because the way it was was nostalgic.

Maybe I do know these people, because a part of my mind told me that they were all manipulating me, taking advantage of my temporary death. But all of this just seems too familiar and I can say that I feel at home.

Except.....I can't.

All of this feels so wrong and I don't know why. Yes, everyone is so friendly but they're all still strangers to me, I don't want to tell them because they all care about me.

But I need to find out who I am, my way.

I don't mean by finding out who made me, because that can take a while.

Blue: Frisk, I'm going to go now

Frisk: Why don't you stay the night?

Blue: I....I can't

Frisk: Why?

Blue: I've got to go

Frisk: Blue, wait! Blue!

I leave the house and walk off into the night, I didn't know where I was going but I just know that I had to find some answers. I still was unsure of who I was and what all of this means, but I don't know how to fix it.

While walking, I noticed that no one else was walking around the streets of this quiet town. But there was one person, and that was the mysterious and quiet girl who was present during my reactivation.

Gianna: You seem confused

Blue: Oh, it's you, have we met before? Like I did with everyone else before I....died?

Gianna: Actually no, this is our first official meeting. My name is Gianna, and you have met my brother.....W.D Gaster

Blue: Gaster....that name is familiar

Gianna: I heard he tried to trap you and take your soul. But you managed to escape by using your arsenal

Blue: I guess the jokes on him, because I don't have a soul

Gianna: Correct. Now what brings you out here in the middle of the dark?

Blue: What about you?

Gianna: I like to walk around at these times, and I'm not in danger because I have magic and know where I'm going. But you.....seem lost

Blue: That's how I felt when I opened my eyes, I didn't know anyone or myself...I felt as if I wasn't meant to be here

Gianna: I understand what you're going through, and I may have an idea of helping you

Blue: You do?

Gianna: There is a theory that one can regain their memories by going down the same path that they once did before the memory loss

Blue: Is that true?

Gianna: It's only a theory, and your original body was in pieces before it was brought back together by Dr Alphys. You died so it made sense that you would lose those memories....but can a mechanical being like yourself...regain it?

Blue: Are you saying that I should go to the Underground?

Gianna: I'm not saying that you need to. I'm just saying that it's a possibility.

Blue:.....I know what I must do now, don't tell anyone where I am going or what I am doing.

Gianna: Fine, but you owe me

Am I Able To Feel? [An Undertale OC Story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora