Chapter 8.

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"What do you need?" Abby asks Finn, slight confusion on her face.

Finn's steady eyes meet mine. "We need to find our friends." I take in a sharp breath as he looks back to Abby.  "How did the search party go?"

Abby stiffens and looks away from us both. I narrow my eyes at what that means.

"Kane didn't send them, did he?" I say bitterly. Abby glances up at me and shakes her head sombrely.

"Then we need to go." Finn says, and when Abby opens her mouth to interject, he continues. "We know the terrain and we know the Grounders. We can't wait any longer and risk their safety."

"Sending you out there is a huge risk." Abby replies.

I stand off the bed. "We need Bellamy. We can't do this without him."

Abby gapes at me. "Bellamy Blake is being held in a secure area."

Finn waits a beat before saying, "If we get him out of the ship, can you find us the weapons we need?"

Abby gives Finn a look of shock, and I realise what it is we're asking of her. She could lose a lot if she's caught handing weapons out to underage delinquents. But...she has already lost Clarke, so what else is there?

I scowl at her. "Do you want your daughter back, or not?" Abby turns her head to me. "Kane hasn't bothered to send out a search party, and even if he did, they wouldn't know where to look. Not the mention, there's a lot of scary shit out in those woods."

"Aside from the Grounders?" Finn queries me.

I give him a bland look, "You're the one that told me about the two-headed dear and the giant water snake. Not to mention we were almost torn apart by a panther and there's the acid fog that likes the make a surprise appearance."

Abby's eyes widen as she looks at me but sighs through her nose and glances between us both. "I hope you know what you're doing."


Once we leave the medical area, Finn and I devise a plan on how to effectively sneak out of the camp with Bellamy, and decide which direction we should head in to start looking for the others.

We knew we needed more than three people to do this, so we agreed that Monroe and Sterling were trustworthy enough to help us. Although I had some concerns about them and their willingness to fight against Grounders, I trust Finn, and he surprisingly trusts them.

I walk through the Ark ship, acting casual by looking around in wonder—since I had just arrived here—but was actually hoping to scour the area where Bellamy was being held.


I turn my head and balk at the site of my mom.

"Mom," I begin, guilt flooding through me. "I'm so sorry I ran off earlier—"

"It's alright." She comes forward and clasps my hands. "What happened?"

"It's Raven, she was hurt. She...she had to have surgery, I wanted to be there with her. Needed." I correct myself. "I needed to be there with her."

Mom nods. "Well, as long as she's going to be all right. Come on, we can talk in my room."

She begins to pull me away, and it takes a lot in me to hold my ground.

"I-I can't." My voice is quiet. I swallow thickly at the hurt look on her face. "I'm sorry, but...there's something I need to do."

"Well..." Mom takes a step towards me again and frowns. "What is it? Can I help?"

"No." I shake my head. "And I can't tell you what it is either. It's...safer if you don't know."

"Safer?" She stands tall and lowers her voice as someone walks by us. "Chrissy, if you're in trouble—"

"I'm not." I tell her, trying to be as firm and truthful as possible to make her understand. "But my friends are, and I need to help them." I look into her eyes, silently pleading with her. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. When I get back...we'll talk, okay?"

"When you get back from where? Chris it's not safe out there—"

"Mom!" I flinch at the volume I use and soften my voice. "Look, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. I'm not a kid anymore...there's a lot that has happened these past few weeks, and I'll tell you everything but...when I get back. Okay?"

Mom's expression changes, but she nods at me. My lips are pushed into a tight line, and I try to smile as I walk away from her.

I exhale a breath as I continue down the hallway. God, was having parents always this stressful?

I'd forgotten what it was like, since I'd spent four years without an actual adult telling what I can and couldn't do, the Sky Box guards aside.

It was still a massive shock to me that my mom had made it, or that she even wanted to talk to me again after what I did. But...this was something I would have to think about another time.

My mom's safe, but we can't say the same about Clarke and the others, so I need to keep my focus on them. On bringing them home.


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