Chapter 4

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I watch as Abby takes a knife from her belt and starts to scratch something to the outside of the dropship. Looking at her, it's no surprise that Clarke is her daughter. Both of them radiate strength and leadership in their movements. That, and they also look alike.

I look down at Raven beside me, and continue to dab a damp cloth to her forehead, trying to cool down her fever like Abby instructed.

"You're gonna be okay," I whisper to her. "Clarke's mom is here, she's gonna get you better."

From the corner of my eye, I see Finn walk over to Bellamy where he sits on a rock, hands cuffed. He's no doubt telling him what we overheard Kane taking about, that we're going to the Ark, or rather, the Ark's crash site.

I watch Finn crouch down in front of Bellamy, and can tell that they're coming up with a plan. Good, because if we left it to Kane and his goons, it would be days before we start going on a search for Clarke and the others, and we don't have that kind of time, not with the amount of ground we need to cover.

I watch Finn leave Bellamy and come over to where I sit with Raven. It's clear to see in his eyes how worried about her he is, heck, we both are.

"Abby? Get ready to move out." Kane calls over to her.

I stand and let the guards pick up Raven's stretcher, another helping Bellamy to his feet and holding his arm in case he tried to do anything.

"We gotta get there before dark." Kane continues.

Abby doesn't reply to him, but as she walks away and following after the guards, I look over at what she was doing to the drop ship.

It was a message for Clarke.

I share a look with Bellamy, then walk beside him away from our old campsite, slowly leaving behind the ash and rotting smell.

Was it only a few days ago this place was full of life and laughter?

I stop walking, letting everyone else go ahead, then glance back at the camp once more. I look to where my tent was, where we had the campfire set up, and where Bellamy and I first kissed.

I look back at Bellamy's retreating figure as I follow everyone. Things are so different now, including us. I try not to dwell on it for too long.


Eventually, I end up walking beside Abby.

"Can I ask you something?" I say to her, keeping my eyes on the path ahead.

From the corner of my eye I see her look over at me. "Of course."

I take a moment before talking. "Murphy shot me, my arm. It was just a graze, and Clarke patched me up, but..."

"But?" Abby asks, her full attention on me.

"It's not right. It hurts way too much, it's...numb."

"Hang on," she holds a hand out in front of me to stop me from walking, and she waits for everyone to have moved on before turning to me again. "It's numb? How long ago was this?"

"A few days." I tell her.

"Show me."

I glance around before pulling down the neck of my top, showing Abby a spot just below my shoulder, a large red gash showing.

"I'll have to assess it properly when we get back to camp," she says. "I don't think it's anything major, maybe just inflamed from the amount of movement you've been doing."

"Right." I say.

She looks at me and gives me a small smile before we continue on behind everyone.


When we eventually get to the "camp", as Abby called it, I stand in frozen shock. A large part of the Ark had indeed fallen to Earth, one of the rings was propelled in the air, blocking some of the sun. What shocked me the most, was the amount of survivors.

People of all different ages and sectors stood and greeted Kane, Abby and the guards on their return, a few gave us some sceptical looks, others seemed happy to see us.

"This is..." Bellamy began.

"Weird." I finished. I looked around, taking in the surroundings and the people, when my eyes catch onto someone familiar, someone who was staring straight at me.

My breath hitched in my throat, and my legs stopped working.

"Chris?" Bellamy asked, stopping as well and looking over at me with a frown.

"Oh my god." Finn breathed out, looking in the same direction I was, unable to take my eyes off them.

A slender woman with chestnut hair and murky green eyes walked over to us, her hair was matted, her clothes dirty, but other than that, she looked healthy. She looked...sane.

My eyes widened, the thoughts in my brain were moving a thousand miles a minute, as I looked at the woman in front of me. "Mom?"


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