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I am finally becoming serious about this book...


Khairi had been floating on cloud nine ever since her sister visited her, both Doc and Ami were vividly aware of that. Her spirits felt lighter, her heart brighter, and she had a permanent smile plastered on her face. They just finished eating a late lunch, and she was clearing the table
Ami had to run off for an errand and so Khairi offered to clear the table

As Doc promised earlier that morning, he did cook lunch for them. A little while after her sister left, Doc came up to her and questioned "What's your favorite food?"

Khairi looked up at him with questioning eyes "Why are you asking?"

"Well" He started "I did promise to cook for you earlier so..."

A smile teased the curve of her lips "Pounded Yam with egusi or vegetable soup" Khairi replied casually, reclining on the two sitter and adjusting her Jilbab that kept slipping off her forehead

Doc on the other hand was sitting on the arm of the chair, he cocked his head to the side to face her. A hum rumbled from him as he rubbed his bearded jaw "I mean I've cooked Egusi and vegetable before, but not the pounded yam"

Khairi was trying to fight her smile, a mischievous glint in her eyes "But you do know how to make pounded yam right?"

"Well, I'll try" He stated simply, rising to his feet

She betrayed herself and the smile she was trying to hide escaped, Khairi chortled "I was only joking Doc"

He regarded her for a while, and his own smile mirrored hers "You could be joking, but if you wanted to see me rolling my sleeves and pounding yam like a Yoruba man in the late hours of this afternoon, then I would gladly do so"

Khairi snickered "I would have loved that sight" She sobered up "But it's already almost time for Asr, it would be better if you cook something simple" Before his reply could come, she added "I do like Yam porridge though"

"Then your wish is my command mademoseille" Even though Doc tried as much as possible to say it with an impassive face, his own lips betrayed him and there was a hint of a smile teasing them

Khairi nodded and pretended as if his words just now hadn't evoked a throng of emotions within her. She sighed and turned her acute attention back to the television where an American movie was playing. It was kind of boring, but she needed to while away time since Ami has ambled to her room and hasn't come out since then

A while later, Khairi was deep into the movie that she came to realize it was actually interesting, Doc then emerged. With a food warmer in his right hold and some plates on the other. She immediately stood up, and took them from him

Honestly, seeing him cook and serve them food was a sight to behold for Khairi. And for a fleeting second she let her mind drift to an imaginary world where she imagined him as her husband, cooking for her whenever she felt tired.

You are certainly not serious, her conscience definitely mocked her. Khairi internally rolled her eyes and set them back on the table. Doc had already served her food, oh you sweet man. She mused to herself as she gave him a very cordial and genteel smile "Thank you for the food" She expressed her appreciation before she started eating

She watched as Doc brought his index finger to his lips in a 'shhh' motion and she smiled in return "Where is Ami though"

"Give me a minute let me call her again" He stood up and disappeared to the room

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