A court house case

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Maverick's POV:

THE DAY had arrived. The one I'd been dreading. Court house day. Since the accident had been a training one, it had to be investigated in court (like most accidents do) to make sure there wasn't any foul play. I'd been up for hours, panicking, drinking coffee and throwing up (thankfully managing to somehow keep my crisp white dress uniform clean and intact) by some miracle. I checked my watch every so often in hopes that it was all a joke and that time would turn back to reveal that the nightmare was indeed, over. But it didn't. It never did. And it wasn't going to happen which only made it even more painful. If I stood here fretting over an event that was due to take place in fifteen minutes exactly (according to my now fed up watch), then it wasn't going to get anywhere let alone bring Goose's wife and young son the clarity they so desperately needed. They'd been contacted by officials to notify them as I knew I couldn't be the one to tell them, as selfish as it sounds. It was my fault and I didn't even have the guts to tell it to his family who doubled up as my extended family. What sort of a person am I?

I was about to mentally answer the question when a knock sounded at the door. Opening my bedroom door and briskly walking down the hall, I reached the door and carefully unlocked it to reveal my Commanding officer. Viper. For a while, we just stared at each other, in silence rather awkwardly until he cleared his throat and removed his cap.

"Maverick." He said.

"Sir." I nodded.

"I came to check on you, son." I flinched at the use of a horrible nickname that many people had called me and I hated it. "Make sure you were okay. Well as okay as you can be after things such as this." He coughed and began to fiddle with the cuffs of his uniform. When no reply came from me, he looked up again and locked eyes with mine.

"Look, son." I flinched again and this time he took note of the unease. "I know what it's like. The same thing happened when I was best mates with you Dad. A court intervened to investigate the cause of everything and upon finding nothing that didn't add up, everyone was cleared to go back to their daily life. It hurts I know, but you can't give up and loose sight of it because then you become lost. And if you become lost and can't find your way back, well then, that's no good is it?" He said, his rhetorical question posing a threatening undertone despite his gentle demeanour.

"No, sir I suppose it isn't. It's just difficult." I shook my head and sighed; swallowing the urge to throw up again for the umpteenth time this morning.

"It is, I know that much. But don't forget you that aren't alone. You're in the same boat as many others. Some you know, some you don't." He replied before gesturing to his car. "You need a lift to the court?" He asked.

"Oh, no thank you Sir. I'm driving myself." I said, politely declining his offer.

"I see. Well, the case starts in around about ten minutes. Don't be late Lieutenant, I'll see you there." He replied, inclining his head and flashing me a small, reassuring smile before climbing into his car and driving away.

It was very nice of him to check on me but I really could of done without it seeing as I was already running behind and I didn't need added stress and guilt piled atop of me this very morning. Not day of all days. Or any day forward to be completely honest. Realising that I'd be late if I didn't head off now, I grabbed my duffel bag and keys, locked the door and scurried down the driveway to my grey pickup truck. Dumping my bag down on the back seat and switching on the ignition, I cranked the heating up (I hadn't previously been bothered to grab a coat as I was in too much of a rush and I felt it'd only get in the way), and set off to the court. The case proceedings were inevitable I knew that but it did not aid me in my anxiety in any way shape or form.


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Iceman's POV:

I KNOW that Maverick didn't particularly like me at the moment (actually that's a mild way to put it, I'd say more along the lines of despised me), but I wanted to attend the trial to show that even if he didn't like me, I was still there as a supportive colleague. Plus, I'd been asked to by my commanding officer. I had no clue as to why but I could only assume he knew about the 'blossoming romance' because every time he looked from Maverick to me and back again, he smiled and nodded his head which suggested he knew more than he'd let on. I tried to ignore the feeling of nervousness and happiness his confidence in me gave me but it was rather difficult.

"And you're certain that's the truth? Your version of events that does not deviate from the truth, yes?" The judge snaps me back to reality when he asks Mav in a stern tone if he's telling the truth or not.

"I am indeed Sir. That is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Maverick replies confidently yet, I notice him continually swallow as if trying to suppress the urge to vomit. The judge stares him down for a few minutes before leaning back in his chair and consulting with the panel who are seated next to him on his 'platform' you could say.

"Very well then soldier." He nods. "As of today - June 4th 1986- myself and the jury have deemed Pete Mitchell innocent in this case and the cause of Lieutenant Nick Bradshaw's death - God bless his soul- was the failure of the jet's engine which could not of been controlled nor salvaged by Lieutenant Mitchell nor Lieutenant Bradshaw. You may go solider. Everyone may continue their normal duties as of now." The gravel sounded against the wooden panel it was slammed into which ruled the case closed. Myself, Jester and Viper (who had been sitting at the back of the room), rose and turned on our heel to exit however, I was stopped by Maverick before I could leave. Opening my mouth to say something, he placed a finger to his lip to silence my unpronounced words.

"Thank you, Kazanksy. Despite you being partly to blame for this, I believe you to be a good man deep down so that is why I make the simple request of you not being too hard on yourself. He wouldn't have wanted that. Not at all." Maverick reasoned.

Before I could reply, he strode off toward the parking lot where I'd seen his grey pick up truck parked. My cheeks blushed at his words. Maybe this was a development in our 'professionalism'?. Perhaps he'd come round to realise what I had a long time ago?

That the two of us despite all odds, were in fact, always ours. We belonged together and maybe Goose knew too? That would explain why he too has constantly smiled around me and Maverick and tried to skirt away and leave the two of us to 'bond' as he had called it.

He knew. He'd just never said a word to anyone. Not until he thought the two of us were ready to share the news. If there even was any by the end of it.

Things were coming together now and oh God did they make sense...

Word Count: 1315

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