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Hello! I'm Frog and welcome to my book! My pronouns are She/they by the way.

This is a top gun fan fiction story about Maverick dating Charlie then beginning to realise his heart actually lays with Iceman and his frosty disposition. It will most likely be from Maverick's perspective (POV) unless I say otherwise. There will be some original scenes I created that aren't in the movie to give the story a bit more depth and such.

I came up with the idea for this book whilst watching Top Gun (for like the 100th time lol) and I couldn't help but think that there was some sort of chemistry between Iceman & Maverick. Did anyone else get that kind of vibe when watching the movie or was it just me?? This is an inclusive book which involves same sex relationships and other LGBTQ sexualities so I won't tolerate any form of rudeness or hate comments! If I see any, i will block, delete and report immediately! There isn't any excuse for hate so please don't do it!!

A few quick disclaimers:

•I don't claim to own the movie Top Gun or any of the characters, (accept any new characters i make up along the way) all credit for the film goes to the people who made it!

•Any pictures in the story were found on Pinterest so I don't own them.

•The cover imagine was also found on Pinterest i just added a title to it so again, i don't own the image.

And yeah, that's it! I really hope you enjoy the story! Feel free to vote and comment on things in the book it helps a lot. Also please let me know what you think of my book/story it is amazing to hear your thoughts and opinions! Thank you so much for being so understanding!

Best wishes
Frog :)

P.S. Oh and I'll be using this nice, calming beach picture to spilt particularly long chapters into two parts.

Thanks for reading! :D

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Thanks for reading! :D

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