The team is now complete!

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As the jet landed,you woke up to it's sudden movement.

"Oliva!Wake up!,we arrived!",you shook him gently on the shoulder and he jolted out of his sleep.


"Oliva don't worry!,no one kidnapped Maria!I just told you we landed".

"Oh!,right...",he laughed akwardly.Both of you got out from the jet to see a car waiting for you.It was going to take you to the prison.

"Oh I love car rides!",you excitedly got in and put on your seatbelt as you sat down in the car next to Oliva.You you put on your headphones to listen to music so the time could pass.

You lost track of time as you fell asleep listening to music,the car ride was very long since the prison was isolated,far away from humanity.The road was completely deserted!

After some time that felt like forever, youfinally arrived at the Arizona State Prison,also known as the Black Pentagon.It was a prison for exceptionally dangerous convicts that conventional law enforcement could barely handle.

(I can't imagine what crime could someone do to end up there..That doesn't sound like the safest place to me!,but looks like I have to go there to meet the person Oliva is talking about...)

(He better be good otherwise I will kill him!),you thought as the gates opened for you and the police officers scanned Oliva's card to reassure he wasn't any intruder or something.

"Do I seem like any intruder to you?",Oliva growled at the guards.

"IT'S MR UNCHAINED!WE ARE SO SORRY MR YOU CAN ENTER!",the guards panicked and immediately let you two in without any further invastigation.

After they finally let you in the building,you walked through some glass prison cells,where there were very creepy men locked inside.They banged the glass loud enough to make you freak out,and their faces had weird expressions that made you uncomfortable just by looking at them.

When you finally got past them,there was another door and the policeman who accompanied you the whole way to open the acrilic barriers every ten meters,told you that you could now continue by yourself.

"I already know that!",Oliva said as he opened the big door.You gasped at the sight of a very fancy looking hall,it was surrounded by very expensive looking paintings and ancient Greek statues of men and women.

(Is this even a prison anymore?!), you wondered as you followed Oliva to the big doors that were in the end of the hall.He opened those doors aswell revealing a room that no one would have expected to see in a prison.

"Welcome to my prison cell!"

"That is more than a prison cell!Its like a luxury hotel suite!"

"If you say so!", Oliva laughed as he went towards a table where there was a folded fancy suit.You awkwardly stood at the door as he begun undressing.

"Oh don't be shy!,feel free to do whatever you want!,I just have to put this on it will take me only a minute.Before we go find the guy I was talking to you about,I'm going to see someone.. special!"

"If you say so..",you opened your suitcase and took out a book to read.You sat down on one of the comfortable black leather armchairs and begun reading.

After a while passed,you smelled a very pleasant scent and it took your attention.You raised your head up and you saw Oliva putting on perfume,he was also dressed up in the fancy suit.

"What is all that for?,who are you going to meet?A president or something?"

"You see those doors over there?",he said,his voice filled with excitement."Behind those doors is the most beautiful woman in the world.She is my girlfriend!"

Book 1!Reader x Baki characters        ~The Ultimate Source Of Power~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu