Milkshake break!

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Arriving at the mall you met the other three at the entrance, Hanayama,Oliva and Yujiro.

Today the mall was very crowded,you almost got dragged by the crowd!,but Baki lifted you on his back again until all of you went to a less crowded place and afterwards he carefully placed you down.

"So where do you want to go Y/n?", Katsumi asked and you hummed thoughtfully.

"I don't really mind!"

Baki->"Come on!, there must be a place you really want to go!"

"Hm..I was thinking about getting a new swimsuit for myself since mine doesn't really fit me anymore.."

"How about we go have milkshakes and go look for a swimsuit afterwards?", Hanayama sujested and you loved the idea.

"Great idea!,I love milkshakes!I haven't had one in a while now!"

The others glared at Hanayama as they got jealous that you liked his recommendation,they could only watch as he took your hand to lead you to a nice place that had the best milkshakes.

"What flavors do you prefer?",you looked up at Hanayama smiling.

"I don't mind.Any flavor is fine".

"I always get strawberry!"

"I also like strawberry!", Katsumi caught up with you two to “join” your conversation,while he just wanted to interrupt it.

"You have great taste!",you smiled at him while Hanayama glared at him.

(He's trying to get her attention), Hanayama thought as you started chatting with Katsumi instead with him.

You finally got inside the shop and walked up to the counter to order your milkshakes.

"Hello!,what can we get you for today?",the assistant smiled friendly.

"Can I have a stauberry milkshake please?"

"Sure thing!And for you sir?"


The assistant wrote down your orders and then went to serve the others,after she left you bumped Hanayama with your elbow.

"Just so you know!,your milkshake isn't going to escape from me,I will try it!",you smiled playfully and he smiled back.

"Sure.Let's go outside to get a table",he said and you nodded before following him out of the store.

"Gentlemen will you order or what?",the assistant waited for your other companions to order but their heads were turned towards you and Hanayama exiting the door.

(She said she will try his milkshake because it's going to be a different flavor!),they all thought and turned their heads back at the assistant who was now a bit impatient.






"Wait up!I can't write them all at once!",the assistant panicked as she tried to write them all down.

Doppo sighed as he knew exactly why they picked different flavors.

"I will just get a strawberry milkshake,thanks",he said and then side eyed Oliva.

"What?I like blubbery!"



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