Weird encounter

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"Finally!, I have some time for myself!
I am starving.., I could eat a horse right now!After all,all I had was the hotels breakfast...No problem!, I will treat myself into a nice fancy dinner!
Now..,what should I wear?"

"This black dress or this silver one?Or this one!,it has nice cute details",you dug inside your suitcases and threw all the clothes around the room while trying to choose.

"Uh!",you groaned,"I can't choose!",you fell on the pile of clothes and layed there desperate for a while, before tilting your head and noticing a dress you hadn't seen properly tossed under the bed.

"That's it! Perfect!",you said checking out the dress and rushing to try it on.
After putting it on,you admired yourself infront of the mirror checking out the dress you chose.

"Wow red really suits me!It shows of my waist and back perfectly!",you smiled and for the final details,you put earrings,a necklace and held your clutch bag.




Arriving at the restaurant with all those lights and big enterance made you exited,you deserved a good treatment for all this work you had been through this afternoon.
When you entered,a waiter welcomed you and showed you your table.

You sat down and looked through your menu,when in the corner of your eye, you noticed a table with 4 people sitting and staring at you.

(Uh,creepy men are so annoying), you frowned at them annoyed.You couldn't tell who they were,they were fully dressed up in black clothing and you couldn't see their features.You could only see that there eyes where glued on you.You were sure you hadn't met them before,but something inside you told you that you had seen them again somewhere..

You decided it would be best if you just ignored them and you signaled a waiter that you were ready to order.

While waiting for your food to arrive, you scrolled through your phone trying to ignore the people still looking at you,their eyes never leaving you.

(I can still feel their eyes on me.., can't they just mind their own business?),you took a little peak to see if they were still looking,and you were right!,one of them had stopped!

Just when you were about to get angry,your food arrived and you ate happily totally forgetting about them.
After a while, a waiter came up at you,you looked up to see a middle aged man looking down at you.

"Are you enjoying your meal ma'am?",he asked smiling,you felt a bit uncomfortable for some reason but smiled back since he was just doing his job.

"Yes I am, thanks for asking sir.The meal is delicious".

. . .

"Wait..H-Have we ever met.., before?"

"I don't think so, ma'am.Why?,the man asked still smiling.

"Oh um..,you seem familiar...I'm sorry..", you apologized for mistaking him for someone you knew,but taking a closer look at him once again,the more he started to remind you of someone.At one point you finally remembered where you had seen his face again,once you recognized him,you choked on your food and your fork fell down on the floor with a metallic cling.

"Are you okay ma'am?',the man said grinning at you,the way he was grinning made your stomach twist with fear.

"C-can I please pay..",you said trying to keep calm and act normally.

"You still haven't finished.Don't you like it?"

(There is nothing denying it!,this man is one from them!,the death row convicts! He's the one with the poison hand!,Ryuukou Yanagi!Calm down!,calm down or I'm screwed!He is definitely here to kidnap me!),you thought to yourself before standing up from your seat to get the heck out of there as soon as you could.

"There is no problem with the food, but I really need to go",you explained in a relaxed manner handing your card over to him so you could pay.You needed to act calm or you would be doomed.

"Very well",Yanagi grinned at your reaction as he knew you recognized him but was impressed by how well you handled it.

You finally payed for your meal and as you got near the exit,you suddenly remembered about the four men staring at you from the table across you earlier,you looked at the table to see if they were still there.They had dessapeared,and Yanagi didn't seem to be inside the restaurant either,he wasn't among the other staff.Thats when it hit you that the rest of the four men must have been the other convicts,Sikorsky,Doyle,Dorian and Spec.You acted way to late,you had started to panick not knowing what to do.

(Should I call someone?No!,no!,no!I don't need protection!..But five people against one is too much!I'm not willing to get killed!),you stood outside the restaurant and went through your contacts to call Retsu.(He agreed to protect me!..,right?),you waited for him to pick up while still making sure to check the area around you.

"Come on!come onnnn!Answer please!"

Unfortunately for your luck, Retsu wasn't picking up,your only hope vanished.You were going to call someone else,but you didn't have any of the other guys phone numbers!

That meant one thing...,you were going to do this alone!You tried to stay calm as you started walking while wondering where to go.

(I can't go back to my hotel,they will know that I stay there and I can't head to Shin shin Kai either...,it's to far from here!I have to go grab a bus!, quickly!),you sped off to the nearest bus stop you could find.

Tokyo seemed so big,you never had the time to explore it,but now it wasn't the time.You had to hurry up before something bad happened..

Luckly, you soon found a bus stop,you waited for the bus to arrive looking carefully around you.Despite all your problems,the weather wasn't with you as it was a bit chilly outside and let's not forget what you were wearing,you had started to get cold.

(What was I thinking!, I should have stayed my ass at the hotel!),you blamed yourself over and over again but it wasn't going to help the situation.

Suddenly,a big shadow casted over you behind you and you held your breath shivering,you sweezed your eyes tightly waiting for your fate but before you knew it the bus finally arrived.You quickly rushed inside and when you looked back,but there was nobody there!

(You're joking!,I couldn't have just imagined it!The shadow was right there! BEHIND ME!!!)

You sighed in relief feeling safe in the crowded bus that now headed to a crowded place,it was perfect for your plan.

(I will just get mixed with the other people and they will lose me...If they are still after me..I will stay there until the morning if I need to,I'm not going back!),the bus took off to it's next destination.

What is your next move going to be Y/n?

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