Enjoy your night until you can

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"So where do you fancy going?I hope not any strip club or something...",you gigled walking with Hanayama in the busy street.

"Dam it,I really wanted to go.I would give anything to see you dance again",he grinned and you looked at him surprised,you weren't sure if he was joking or not.

"Hm?I guess I'm bad with jokes",he laughed.(Ofcourse it wasn't a joke),he thought to himself.

"Well,apart from the jokes,where should we go?I guess we can't go eat because of the feast we had with Jack earlier.Im stuffed!"

"I guess you're right.."

As both of you were walking and trying to decide where to go, you heard cheering from the distance.

"What's that cheering for?Why are  people gathered over there?"

"I think it is a street fight,they happen pretty frequently here".

"Now that I think about it I've never seen a street fight up close.."

"Do you want to go check it out?"

"Yes please!"

You approached the crowd and you sweezed in to see the fight.
Hanayama wasn't paying much attention to the fight, he had seen so many of them happen,that at that point he had got used to them.You on the other hand wanted to see it so bad!But unfortunately you were too short and the people infront of you were blocking your sight.You jumped and jumped but nothing!,you just saw a bunch of heads.

"Do you need any help down there"?,he held himself from laughing,you were just so cute while jumping like that,like a little kid on a trampoline.

"It's fine!I will manage!",you said between your panting while still jumping.

Hanayama sighed and picked you up before placing you on his shoulder.Now you had a VIP seat and could see everything from that hight!

"Wow Hanayama this is amazing!But are you sure you can lift me like this? Aren't I to heavy?"

"You're as light as a feather,don't worry",he reassured and you blushed.You continued watching the fight when you noticed Hanayama seemed to be looking for someone.

"Hanayama what's wrong?"

"Nothing,I'm just looking for a friend, he's probably here somewhere.."

"Hey you",Hanayama grabbed a random person who looked like a gangster from the back of his collar.
He was in a motorcycle gang,where Hanayama's friend was the leader.

"Where is Chiharu?"

"Oh!Boss!I think he's over there somewhere in the crowd.Right there at the front!",the gangster pointed at the distance.

"Should I get off?",you asked not wanting to be a burden.

"No,it's better if I hold you, I don't want to lose you in the crowd",Hanayama walked towards the direction he was told that Chicharu was and grabbed each person he saw to check if it was him!
After many tries, finally he got him.

"Who the hell do you think ye are grabbing ye bastard!That is not manly!Ye have a death wish huh?", Chiharu turned around to face the person who had grabbed him,he was ready to teach him a lesson!


"Don't plead for my mercy like that, it's not manly", Hanayama said ironically laughing.He let go of Chiharu and placed you down aswell.

"What can I do to get yer forgiveness Boss!I'll do anything!"

"Well there is something you can do..,how about you lend me your motorcycle.Me and Y/n would like a ride".

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