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You relaxed inside the bath tub playing with the bubbles like a boiling vegetable as you revisioned your from now on coworkers names,you had been soaking in there for about an hour despite the fact that you said you would go for a "quick shower".

"Oliva..,Doppo, Katsumi and Retsu.. Hanayama,Baki and Yujiro I think..?",you counted their names with your fingers.

"That guy Yujiro is definitely not willing to protect me!..If it was my first time seeing him I would have mistaken him as one of the death row inmates!What was this guys problem anyway.., nobody forced him to help out with the mission!",you blew the bubbles off from your palm and watched them slowly rise up in the air and then fall back into the tub.

"I wonder how working with them will be..",you begun to think about what scenarios could happen.

(Maybe they are going to completely mess up the papers and throw them around the room..or they might even not know what to do!)


Your phone that was resting next to some light up candles on the side of the bathtub starting ringing, making you snap out of your thoughts.

"Hello!,Y/n speaking!"

"Hello Miss!,it's Zoe!I wanted to make sure you are okay!How did your day go?I'm very sorry I wasn't able to be there when you left!,If I knew you were going to Tokyo I would have been there to atleast give you a hug!"

"It's arlight Zoe!,no worries!My day was great!,I found my coworkers friendly but every single one of them is very strong on their own way! Strongest in America, strongest teenager, strongest Yakuza,even the strongest man in the world joined this mission,can you imagine!?And that's only half of them!I was already mad about the guard thing and now they made it even worse!They said that there are going to be death row inmates looking for me from now on,so that's why I need so much protection".

"It's for your safety Miss!,I'm actually glad that you will have them with you!What if these criminals pop out of nowhere and actually manage to kidnap you?,how are you going to save yourself!It's for your own good Miss!, please don't be upset!",Zoe comforted you.

As always,Zoe managed to calm you down and made you see the good side of the situation,her voice and words always made you calm down and relax.

"Fine fine!,I guess I will have to get used to them..Thank you for the advice!",you slowly started to rise from the bathtub.You wrapped a towel around your body before stepping your feet out of the bath tub on the little mat on the floor to dry them.You put on your fluffy confy slippers and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Zoe I'll to have to hang up now,I want to investigate about those death row inmates a bit more.Maybe we can talk tomorrow?"

"No problem Miss!,stay safe and make sure to stay out of trouble!

"I will!, I will!, thanks!",you hung up and went to the bathrooms door to go back to your bed and change.You opened the door without looking at it because you were scrolling through your phone,you weren't aware that someone was standing infront of you.You looked up and gasped letting your phone fall on the floor.

(EKKKK!, WHAT IS HE DOING HERE! YUJIRO HANMA!HE LOOKS SCARY!WHAT DO I DO!),you thought to yourself before swallowing hard as you tried to find something to say.

"Cat caught your tongue?", Yujiro mocked leaning down to your level making you step back.

"W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!",you trembled looking at the man standing infront of you,his aura alone making you freeze and unable to think clearly.

Book 1!Reader x Baki characters        ~The Ultimate Source Of Power~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant