Chapter 6

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Y/n pov

Alarm*beep beep beep*.
"Arrgghh.. Stop it." I stopped the alarm and got up lazily, it's 6 am my college starts at 7:15 am. I know I'm not late, so I am walking slowly towards the bathroom. I entered and stood in front of the mirror to check myself. All messed up and I slept in same clothes, I was so tired I didn't care to change. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, did other things. Then I took a shower and changed into some casuals.
I ate some corn flakes and milk. Then I'm wearing my shoes only suddenly,someone called and I know who is it so I answered it,
"Hey, Good morning love."
Jisso: Good morning... Are you coming today?
"Ya.. I'm coming in 10 minutes."
I took my keys and bag, locked the door.

Time skip: in college

I reached in 10 minutes and parked my scooter.Jisso is waiting for me at the gate. She waved at me, I waved too.
"Good morning, girl. "*smile*
Jisso: Yeah, yeah.. Let's go. We are going to be late.

Time skip: in class

We sat in our place, then Namjoon came and greeted us,
Namjoon: Good morning ladies...!
Jisso: Good morning. *smile*
"Good morning" .
Then we all settled and Mrs. Song came our class started.

End of pov

Jungkook pov

I reached office before time. I entered receptionist greeted me good morning , I nodded. I entered elevator, it reached 30th floor in few minutes and it opened I walked through the corridor and every employees greeted me as same I nodded. Then, my secretary came and notified me about my schedule of today. The meeting with EXO will start at 10am . It's 9 am now, I sat in my office and was doing some work that's when Jimin hyung barged in with something in hand,
Jimin: Good morning Kook! *excited*
"Morning hyung, what is it in your hand?"
Jimin: Ohh.. It's your favorite banana milk and some fresh cupcakes. I know you didn't have breakfast in morning. *smiling*
"Hyung, how many times I'll tell you I don't like them anymore?" *annoyed*
Jimin: Ohhkkk.. Then don't have it.
He started munching his own cupcakes and milk. He knows how much I like it. I couldn't resist it.
"Ok.. Hyung stop it now. Pass it to me. "
Jimin: I know you can't resist. *laughing*
We ate and talked about the the up coming project with EXO.

Time skip: In meeting room

Jimin: We welcome Mr. Suho and his members to Jeon Corporates.
Suho: Hello Mr. Jimin and Mr. Jungkook.
He gestured his hand for hand shake and I took it as a formality.
Jimin: Please everyone take their respective seats. I will begin with the meeting shortly.
I started, "Hello everyone, we are doing a collaboration project with EXO and we expect a great team work from everyone. " Everyone cheered.
"Jimin hyung, you may proceed. "
Jimin: Yes, the name of project is 'LOVE YOURSELF' and it will done in three parts consecutively.
I spoke, "the budget of the project will be 350 million won. Will it be ok.. Mr. Suho? "
Suho: Sure, it's fine. We will provide 150 million and rest will be yours.
"Hmmm.. Sure."
Jimin: We will start with first part 'LOVE YOURSELF: HER'. Thanks you. Everyone fighting.
Everyone cheered and stood up, bowed and left the room. I shook hands with Suho and he too left.
Jimin: This project is a big one. *sighing*
"Hmmm.. " I left the room towards my office to check the drafts of the project.

End of pov

Y/n pov

The college ended today a bit early. I bid goodbye to Namjoon and Jisso. I took my scooter and reached home by 5pm. I need to prepare for the mission tonight.
But now, I need a warm shower and food. I took my shower and wore my pjs and cooked some ramen noodles and ate them with boiled eggs. Then, I came to my room and started to prepare things that are needed my guns and short knifes and lastly my agent outfit. I added a mask too.

I took my earpodes

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I took my earpodes. I heard horn of a car. I know it must be Jennie and others, it's already 7pm . I locked the door and car door opened. I saw Jennie and Lisa in middle, Jin is driving and Taehyung is sitting at the side. He ignored me and I know why, yes we had past but that can't come between our work. I seated myself and closed the door. Jin started driving. Jin asked,
Jin: How are you? It's been while we met, I bet you missed my handsome face? *proudly speaking*
*laughing a little*..." Yeah, I missed your handsome face and I'm fine." How are you all? I know how's Jennie.
Lisa: I'm all good. *smile*
Taehyung: Hmm.. Ok! *pissed*
I noticed he's a bit pissed by my presence and others also seemed to notice it. But I can't help it. Then, I kept quiet and others too.
We reached oor destination, it a old abandoned factory.
"Pfft.. They are hiding here?"
Jennie: Seems so.. Let's search.
We all split up and started searching different directions. Until, I heard some noise from a room upstairs. I told everyone through earpodes connected.
I started taking slow steps upstairs and reached the door. Others came to with their gun, they nodded and I opened the door with a bang and pointed our gun.

Another update, hope you guys like it. If you like it please vote and comment on this trash. 🤧
Guys, did guys listen to Jungkook's "GOLDEN" and  "Standing next to you" is a blast.
Stream more. 🔥😁💜

AGENT RED: LOVE OR WAR //J.JK Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora