chapter 6

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( • FLORENCE • )

You must wear a black coat. It's what separates us, so we all know who is involved and who is not.

I pull my favourite velvet coat on over my black dress. It's becoming dark, and the women from the kitchen—who's names I've learnt are Margaret, Lilith and Mary—told me to conceal myself as much as possible so I'd have a better chance of not being noticed. We're to meet at eight o'clock, and since nobody is supposed to know I'm going, I have to walk. It'll take me about twenty minutes, I think, however I'm not certain so I decide to leave at half past seven.

I go over to my window and pull it open. I already made another excuse about feeling ill before I excused myself from tonight's dinner, so my hope is that no one will attempt to come inside of my room.

I push the rope I made out of ripped up garments outside the window, and it falls onto the grass below my window. Then I tie it to the leg of my bed, praying that my knots are tight enough and it doesn't come undone. I'll have to use this same rope to get back up.

I walk over to my door again and climb onto the window frame, turning around and setting my boot onto the brick wall. Fear spikes within me, but I push it away and replace it with a fake confidence as I slowly ascend down the wall.

When the sole of my boot touches the ground, I exhale a small sigh of relief. Then I rush over to the back gate, where nobody normally exits from, and pull it open as quickly and as quietly as I'm able to.

The guards do their swaps at this time, so it'll be empty for about five minutes. It's honesty not very good time management on their part since anything could happen in five minutes, evidently.

It works in my favour right now though. I run down the path, then make my way into the town, keeping my head low. When I get to the road the pub is on, I slow my pace, then turn into it.

     Noise bustles around me. For a moment I want to get lost in the chaos and enjoy myself, but I remember why I'm here and walk through the crowds of people until I get to a back room. I walk through the hallway, then pause at a wooden door.

     A man stands in front of it, and he looks at me for a few moments with skepticism lining his gaze before he moves out of the way. I twist the doorknob and step inside.

A woman is sitting behind the desk. She lifts her chin a little, looking at me like she's judging me. I take a glance around the room, but I find it empty.

"You are the princess?" She asks.


She makes a hm noise before standing. "My name is Emmeline Pankhurst."

"It's lovely to meet you." I say.

She nods.

"Are we the only ones here?" I ask nervously.

"No. The meeting is in the other room." She motions for me to follow her out of the room and further down the hall. She then pauses at a bookshelf, and I furrow my eyebrows, however my confusion quickly transforms into aw when she pulls a book out slightly and the door opens.

I walk inside after her, and after a few seconds the door closes by itself. I follow Emmeline down another hall, then to a room. As we advance toward it, I hear loud voices coming from within.

She pushes it open, revealing a large room that holds about twenty women. They all turn to look at me when I step inside, halting their conversations.

     "So it's true," a red headed, tall woman says, separating herself from the rest of the group and walking over to me. She looks me up and down. "The little princess wants to get her hands dirty."

     "Maybe you should go back to the comforts of your palace, your Highness." Another woman says. "Let your brothers protect you from the cruelties of the outside world."

     "No, thank you." I say.

     "Enough of that." Emmeline says. "Let's begin."

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