chapter 1

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( • FLORENCE • )

"Please look more pleasant, Florence. You'll put everyone off." My second eldest brother, Harry, says.

     "You try look pleasant when a corset is suffocating you. I have not been able to breathe properly for the past half hour."

     He cracks a smile. "I'm sure you will be able to survive through the night."

     "I am sure that I won't." I respond.

     His smile grows. "Well, I'm afraid you'll have to." He counters, "I am not sure Harvey would be too happy if you passed out during dinner."

     "What about you? Would you be happy, brother?" I ask him.

     "Yes, maybe then you would stop complaining down my ear." He responds.

     I gasp and swat him on the arm. He laughs. "You are the one who started this entire conversation. I was perfectly content to sit here and feel sorry for myself."

"What do you have to feel sorry for?" He asks me, his tone turning serious. "You are a princess. Every girl in the kingdom wishes she were you."

I let out a humourless laugh. "Of course you would say that. You have no idea what it's like. You can do anything, while I am only able to do so little. And not even comfortably." I exhale an exasperated breath.

"You live a life of luxury—"

"I wear nice dresses and fancy jewels while going to boring events and acting like I'm happy there. That is hardly a life." I cut him off, then turn away.

He sighs. "You need to learn to be more grateful than you are, Flo. There is a structure to our society, and you know that."

"It's easy to be content with that structure when you're on the upper end of the scale." I say.

"Florence, I have no interest in arguing with you."

     "Of course you don't." I mumble.

     He's about to continue when one of the guards announce that dinner is ready, and that we should all proceed to the dining hall. I'm up in an instant, ignoring Harry calling my name, and walking through the double doors. I'm about to go to the end of the table—where my brothers never usually sit—but my eldest sibling (who's also the king of England) intercepts and steers me toward the head of the table, a pleasant smile on his face the entire time. I sigh, and he glances at me in the corner of his eye.

     "You know I prefer for you to sit by me, Flo."

     "And you know I'd prefer not to be here at all." I respond.

"Yes, I do." He says. "Believe it or not, sister, you make that quite evident."

"I'm glad." I tell him. "That's what I aim to do."

He sits down on the seat at the head of the table, and I sigh again as I sit down beside him.

"I can move if you'd like." I tell him. "Perhaps one of your friends could sit here instead—"

"That won't be necessary." He says.

"Are you sure? It's really no bother to me at all, Harvey." I reply.

"Trust me, darling, I'm certain." He assures me. I lean back in my chair and cross my arms, "and when you're beside me there's no possibility of you getting into trouble and drawing negative attention to yourself."

     "Hm." I mumble. "Never say never, Harvey."

     He sends me a look full to the brim with warning, and I look away from him. It's confusing having a brother who's the king of a country, because I never know when he's my older brother—the same one who'd let me stand on his feet while we danced when I was younger—or a king. It makes part of me afraid to cross the invisible line that I know is there. I used to be able to say practically anything before he became King—before he became my main guardian—and I miss that dearly.

But now he's responsible for an entire country, so he doesn't have the time to let me dance on his feet or laugh and spend time with me, or be a regular brother.

I frown.

The first course comes out, and I sit quietly through the next seven. As soon as I finish the small bowl of dessert, I stand.

"Where are you going?" Harvey asks.

"I'm afraid I'm not feeling too well, brother. I think I'll retire to my room for the night."

"Are you all right?" He questions.

"With some rest I'm sure I'll be fine." I reply. I walk to his side and press a kiss to his lightly stubbled cheek. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He replies softly.

I exit the dining hall, rushing upstairs to my bedroom quickly.

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