chapter 2

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( • FLORENCE • )

When I return to my bedroom, a servant is changing my bedsheets. When I enter, she snaps her head toward me and drops into a curtsy.

"Hello." I say.

     "Good evening, Miss." She replies tentatively. "I—I'll be out of your way in a moment, my apologies. I expected everybody to still be at the dinner."

"It's all right." I assure her. "I decided to leave early. I'm not feeling very well. But please, take your time."

     "Oh, I can go to the kitchen and make you some tea to help, if you'd like, Miss."

     "No, do not worry. I'll be okay." I assure her. I notice her eyes water, and concern flickers through me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Miss."

"You are clearly not." I respond.

"Please do not worry about me, Princess."

"It's my job to worry about people in this country. Well.. technically it's my brothers, but I like to think that rule extends to all of us as well, as his siblings." I say. "Please, tell me what is wrong."

"I couldn't, Miss—"

"Tell me what is wrong. I may be able to help." I say hastily.

     "I'm not sure anybody could help." She admits softly. A tear slips down her cheek, and she gasps quietly in shock as she hastens to wipe it away. "I'm sorry, Miss. I'll continue changing your sheets so you can go to sleep."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Please. I've been told I'm a very good listener." Nobody has ever told me that. In fact, I'm quite the opposite. However I'm also curious, and I feel sympathetic toward this woman.

I suppose it's difficult to be a good listener when you never have anybody to listen to. I've been surrounded by people my late parents and older brothers have put me with, and I've never connected with a single person I've been put with. As a result of this I've been alone for most of my days, my only friends consisting of my brothers and the books that line the shelves of our personal library.

     But I can't have conversations with books, and my brothers have become too busy as of late, limiting our conversations. And when we do get chances to talk, I'm usually getting scolded.

     It's exhausting.

"I couldn't impose on your life, Princess."

"You are not imposing." I whisper. "Come, talk to me." I sit on the edge of the half-made bed, and she glances around the room before sitting beside me.

     She keeps her eyes lowered as she begins. "Well, Miss—"

     "Please call me Florence." I cut her off.

Her eyes widen. Then they close slightly, returning to normal. "Okay.. Fl—Florence. Well.. it's nothing really.. my husband and I just got into a small argument before I arrived at the palace this morning."

     "What was it about?" I ask her.

     "He—well, he doesn't like that I work, Mi—Florence. But.. I like working. It makes me feel more independent."

"Then you should work to your hearts content." I let out a small laugh, and she wipes another tear that falls down her tanned face.

"My husband is very stubborn. I'm afraid he'll make me stop."

"You don't have to if you don't want to." I say. Then I laugh again. "Tell him I forbid it."

     She smiles, but then it fades.

"What's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing at all." She reaches up to wipe her eyes again, but this time the sleeve of her red uniform slips, revealing a bruise around her wrist.

"What ever happened to your wrist?"

Her eyes widen. She grabs her sleeve and pulls it down, then stands. "I—I really need to be finishing, Princess."


     She puts the last pillow cover on, then fluffs them all before curtsying. "Goodnight, Miss. I hope you feel better soon."

     She turns around and exits the room hastily. I follow after her, but when I get into the hallway I discover that it's empty.

     I sigh gently and return back into my room. When I see her again, I'll question her further. Did her husband do that to her? Why is he so adamant about her working? Why is it any of his business? If she would like to work, then she should be able to.

     And I hope she continues to, because after I change into my night clothes (with much struggle since I'm alone) I discover that my pillows have never felt more comfortable.

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