💫 Chapter-70💫 Part-1

Start from the beginning


Hoseok sat in the university canteen, engrossed in a book as he enjoyed a rare moment of respite from his demanding classes. He had no inkling of the storm that was about to descend upon him.

The university's dean, Mr. Lee, the only one who cares about Hoseok in University, accompanied by Professor Kim, approached Hoseok's table. Their presence disrupted his solitude.

Mr. Lee: Hoseok, we need to speak with you.

He said in a serious tone. Hoseok looked up, puzzled by the gravity in their expressions.

Hoseok: Is something wrong, sirs?

Professor Kim: We've received serious allegations, Hoseok. We need to discuss them with you.

He said and Hoseok's heart began to race as he tried to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Hoseok: Allegations? What kind of allegations?

He asked anxiously. Mr. Lee answered in a grim voice,

Mr. Lee: We've received complaints of harassment involving you, Hoseok.

Hoseok's world came to a standstill as he processed the shocking revelation.

Hoseok: (incredulous) "Harassment? I...I have no idea what you're talking about."

The professors exchanged a concerned glance, realizing the impact of the revelation on Hoseok.

Mr. Lee: We understand this must be overwhelming, Hoseok. But we're here to conduct a thorough investigation.

Hoseok's mind was racing, his heart pounding with a mixture of shock, confusion, and anxiety.

Hoseok: I have no idea who would make such accusations. I've always been focused on my studies. You know that. Right?

Professor Kim: Yes we know. We'll look into this matter, Hoseok. You will have an opportunity to provide your side of the story during the investigation.

Hoseok nodded, his voice trembling.

Hoseok: I'm willing to cooperate and clear my name. This is...just unbelievable.

The professors nodded their heads and then Mr. Lee said

Mr. Lee: Please come with your father... no your brothers tomorrow. We will discuss the rest with him.

The Professors said and left the canteen, Hoseok remained seated, feeling the weight of the accusations pressing down on him. He couldn't shake off the shock and uncertainty that had suddenly become a part of his reality.

Suddenly he stood up and ran towards his classroom. He took his bags and ran outside the campus. On the way he saw how the students were laughing at him and calling him names.

Seem like all of them know about this know. He ignored them and ran more fast wiping away his tears. He came out of th University gate and immediately called Jin. Within some seconds Jin picked up the call

Hey Hoba-

H...H.. Hyung...

Hoseok said in a crying and shaking voice.

Hoba.... are you crying? Baby what happened? Why are you crying? Tell Hyung...

💀Flashback Ends💀

YN looked at Hoseok with a shocked face big saw Hoseok was sitting calmly.

YN- You have been accessed before too?

She asked in shock. Hoseok nodded his head and said

Hoseok- Sadly Yes. That time I cried rivers and that's why this time I didn't had that reaction. Maybe I cried for today also that day.

He said with a low chuckle. YN was surprised seeing how the Hoseok she is living with and how the Hoseok she is hearing about are so different from each other.

Jimin- Hyung, continue please.

Jungkook- Yes. We want YN to know what you both did that time.

Taehyung- Yes Hyung. Please continue.

They said. Jin chuckled and nodded his head. YN looked at Jin who started....

 YN looked at Jin who started

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