Chapter 2 (Inheritance )

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It took a few minutes, and then a tall, lean man appeared before them.

He looked like he was in his early forties. He was dressed impeccably in a black tuxedo. His hair was parted on one side, kempt by what Monique perceived as hair gel, adding to his overall polished appearance. With a touch of salt and pepper, his dark hair complemented his warm skin tone, giving him a distinguished and mature look. His eyes were framed by thick, dark eyebrows. He was attractive. However, there was something about his eyes when he looked at Monique. Something foreboding. Something unsettling. It felt like he was sizing her up.

But what made Monique's heart almost jump out of her chest was when her mother gasped and shook, an act that the woman rarely did unless something significant like the loss of money transpired.

"Madam, I believe you know who I am and why I'm here," the man stated, his voice calm and composed.

Monique's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as her proud mother, Vanessa Van Welch, bowed her head to the man in front of them. It was an action that could only be done by the lady of the Van Welch family when in the presence of someone of higher social standing or someone they feared.

Others might find the surprise Monique felt overly dramatic, but her shock stemmed from the knowledge that the Van Welch family was known to be at the pinnacle of society, especially when it came to wealth. They were also respected and no one dared to cross them or make enemies of them. To witness someone above them was an entirely new experience for Monique.

"I understand. Did she leave any instructions for us? I mean, my husband and me?" Monique's mother inquired, her voice filled with concern.

"None, madam. Only that Monique must arrive at the manor in two weeks and take permanent residence there," the man replied, his face impassive.

Upon hearing this, Monique instantly frowned and was about to interject, not to argue. Never to argue. But for clarity. However, her mother tugged at her arm and whispered urgently, "This is beyond us, Monique. You must agree."

Monique was about to insist, but her tongue froze and her words receded when she noticed her mother's demeanor. Her body seemed frozen in place and Monique noticed that her stillness contrasted sharply with the chaotic energy that suddenly surrounded her. But it was her mother's facial expressions that made Monique gasp and step back. The features of her mother's face, serene and composed minutes ago, now bore the unmistakable signs of distress.

Her eyes, bright and lively, were now glazed over, the sparkle they had during the party dulled by a veil of something keen to sadness. They seemed suddenly distant.

The corners of her mouth filled with gentle upturns that conveyed warmth and joy, when she guided Monique down the staircase were now pulled downward in a subtle but noticeable frown. The rosy hue that adorned her cheeks had faded, replaced instead by a pale, almost ghostly pallor.

This heightened the foreboding Monique felt. So she opened her mouth attempting to speak but she was cut off when her father grabbed her shoulder, squeezed it, and commanded, "Leave us, Monique."

She scowled, her frustration evident. Without saying a word, she stormed out of the living room and made her way toward the garden at the back of their mansion. She despised the idea that, whether she wanted it or not, she would have to abide by her parents' decision, no matter the circumstance. And what was wrong with her mom? What was that?

An hour passed, and it was unusual for her parents not to come searching for her. In the past, they would instantly seek her out, even though they knew where she was. What had happened? Who was the man? Monique questioned herself, her mind filled with uncertainty.

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