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Chapter 69:

Nisigong Yuexi slept very uneasily, but couldn't wake up because of excessive exhaustion.

As if he was haunted by something, he struggled subconsciously in a disorderly dream. He felt as if his body had been split in half, and some sharp weapon had penetrated his abdomen and shattered his internal organs.

He heard his own calm voice: "Yes... if you want to kill me, there's no point in hiding." "The

medical ability to bring the dead back to life? Maybe it will be useful..." "It

seems that I can live for a few more days, which is enough."

Painful The dream finally ended peacefully. He curled up and hid in the warm embrace, trying to forget those unpleasant feelings.

Dazai Osamu is also tired.

It is a kind of tiredness.

No matter how calm and skillful he seemed, he had to admit that he had done a lot of research and preparation beforehand, and he still felt it was not enough. When I actually do it, it feels like a dream has fallen into reality. It's so ridiculous that my soul and reason are divided into two halves. One half is floating in the sky, running wild along with my emotions, and the other half is on the ground, thinking about what to do next. What.

After all, those messages didn't tell him what to do if his lover's physical condition was very poor, and he would fall into a state of confusion with just a slight toss, and wouldn't even take a shower.

He hasn't had enough fun yet...

But people should know how to be content and how long the water will flow. Dazai Osamu finally resisted the urge to continue the fuss and ended the fuss peacefully with a gentle ending.

By the time he finished cleaning up everything, Nishimiya Yuexiu had completely fallen asleep.

He was sweating all over, and his fingers and palms were much warmer than before. They were warm and soft, a little softer than expected. Osamu Dazai also lay down and stroked the back of the other person's head, neck and shoulders.

I just couldn't help it.

He recalled the gibberish nicknames uttered by those who had just been tortured to the point of forgetting their senses, and the shuddering warmth and breath mixed in the words.

If it was just a plant, it would be full of flowers by now.

Fortunately, Nishimiya Yuezhen had become accustomed to such contact during the nonsense just now, and was not woken up by him. Instead, he leaned a little closer to his direction in a daze, extremely well-behaved.

They slept together for a while.

Dazai Osamu has always had difficulty falling asleep, and the nights he goes by become more uncomfortable. Headaches, palpitations, and the like are all minor ailments. The quality of my sleep this time was particularly good. Maybe I was tired too, so I sank as soon as I closed my eyes.

Not dreaming.

But he slept very lightly, and soon realized that Nishimiya Yuezhen was having a nightmare. Dazai Osamu was now a super invincible and considerate cat. He jumped up and turned on the night light. Under the faint warm light, he saw Nishimiya Yuzhi breaking into a cold sweat because of the nightmare.

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