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Chapter 26

Wednesday afternoon was the day for a group of people from the literary club to have a team building.

We spent a long time choosing a location for the team building, and finally chose a gem exhibition hall that was held for a limited time. There happens to be a food street just outside the exhibition hall. You can go out to eat directly after visiting the exhibition.

Of course, the group of monsters and monsters in the literary club who were dressed in literary shells were not interested in gems, but Nishimiya Yuehu had the right to decide and directly chose to go to the exhibition hall - there was a gem auction going on next door. Some of the works in the exhibition hall will be sent to auction after being displayed. It is said that they were designed by twelve designers from various European countries, and one set is auctioned every day.

He quite likes these beautiful gadgets. Maybe it’s because he spends too much time pretending to be a bird, so when he sees the shiny gadgets, he can’t help but take them home. The cabinet Dazai Osamu opened was only a small part of his collection, a part worth displaying.

In fact, most gems cannot maintain their value and are far less stable than buying heavy metals directly. However, Nishimiya Yuehan did not buy gems to make money.

"System, do you want to change your place to live?" There is a small crescent moon pendant in his left ear, and the system usually stays in it. "Change to a more beautiful gem." [...You just want to yourself

. Just buy it. 】The system was slightly speechless, 【You have bought me eighty-two small pendants to live in. I can change them every day for three months! ]

"But the design on the brochure is really beautiful and suits you very well."

[Let me be happy. 】

A small opal is decorated on the hook, and the black stone surface seems to be filled with thousands of stars, like fire in summer.

"And the price is very cheap."

The system was convinced.

Nishimiya Yuehao struck while the iron was hot: "Look, today's set of summer soda designs are very nice...sweet lemon and sea salt..." [

Don't buy it! Auctions are gold-eating beasts. If I had known better, I should have listened to editor Xiao Lin and gone boating in the park together. ]

He was full of expectations, because he was a minor, and he specially brought Liang Yuze's vest to act as a guardian, and entered the auction together with this vest that looked very reliable.

Liang Yuze was much taller than him, and his green eyes like a Persian cat occasionally showed a hint of boredom, but he couldn't resist Nishimiya Yuezhen's arm holding him.

"Hello, do you two have a reservation for a private room?"

He handed over the invitation letter.

After checking it, the waiter handed the invitation back respectfully: "This way, please." He stretched out his hand to make an invitation. But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, some people's looks can really compete with gems for glory. The man in front of him looked like a restrained big cat, lazy yet sharp. There was uncontrollable excitement on the young man's face, and his blue eyes were shining, especially like the grand finale gem to be auctioned tonight.

all of the vest were killed, I was forced to express my condolences to myselfWhere stories live. Discover now