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Julie and Peter are twins .  They have been classmates with Clara since their school days .

Kamelia joined them during their high school days . Rocky is one of the cousin of Clara .

Peter and Rocky are close friends and because of an unfortunate incident they were seperated .

Peter thinks Julie is the Sole reason for their seperation and since then he has not spoken to her.

He did not give Julie a chance to explain . What are the consequences of this? What is his

 condition if he knows the truth? . Let's wait and see .

Back to reality ...

Clara : Hey , Don't you have a conscience?

Peter : I have . Why are you asking ?

Kamelia : Is it ? If you have you will not behave like this .

Peter : What did I do wrong? Why you two blame me? 

Clara ( angrily ) : Irritated? It hurts you when we blame you right , doesn't it hurt her too when

 you blame her not knowing what the truth is ?

Peter : W..What are You S..Saying ...????

Kamelia explained what happened that day to Peter .

Peter's Heart broke into millions of pieces ...

Peter ( crying ) : I am a sinner . I should have trusted my sister . I am not a good brother . 

Clara : Peter.. Cool down ... Kamelia Go and check where is Julie.

Kamelia : Ok Clara .

Peter : How Clara ? She did everything for me . But what i did for her in return just broken heart .

Clara : There is no point in talking  about this now. Go and ask her for forgiveness.

Suddenly Kamelia barges in suddenly , nervous

Clara : What Happened Kamelia ?

Kamelia ( shock ) : J..Julie ..... A..Accident ....

Clara,Peter : WHAT ?????????

When they ran out, what they found is  Julie lying  unconscious in the arms of a man .

Who is He ? 

Is he related to Clara's team ? 

What happened between Rocky and Julie on that day ? 



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