4 2 0

Chief : What do you mean, Clara, how can an already extinct species come here?

Clara : That is confusing.I don't know how this is possible.I don't know if someone did it without

 knowing it or not.

Nithu : What do we do now Clara?

Clara : No idea.

Min : Why don't we ask your old team to come?

Nithu : Correct.We can ask them to come.

Clara : No we can't.

Min : Why ?

Clara : Our teammate Rocky was attacked by the enemies of our nation for completing this

 mission successfully.. We do not get the support of our country in this matter. .That's why

 everyone has left this department. Because of this, there is a problem between us and no one is

 in touch now.

Nithu : Omg what new problem is this ?

Min : There is no other way. We should bring them.

Clara : Let's try.

Nithu : Clara ,Is Rocky alive ?

Clara : I don't know.



It has been two years since this restaurant started in this area.

This restaurant is run by Miss Julie.

This restaurant is known for its quality food and good service.

Nobody knows anything about Julie. She came to this area only two years ago. 

The only thing that is known is that she is not from this country. 

Present Day

Customer : Excuse me ?

Julie : Yes Sir.

Customer : I want a burger and a coke.

Julie : Sir wait for 10 minutes and your order will arrive.

Customer : Okay.

(Julie's Phone rings)

Julie : Hello.Julie here .

Caller : Tells something

Julie : Okay I will be there.

Who is that caller?

What would the caller have said?

To know read the NEXT Part .


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