24: Sowing The Seeds Of Fate

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Sidon, there are many ways you could treat someone. My personal way is just through my craft. You treat me everyday with your pretty smile, your undying kindness, and your amazing swimming lessons. They may not be physical gifts per se, but they are just as precious." (Y/n) told him with a smile. "Also, do not forget that the amber used to make the pins was the same one you gifted to me. It more or less just came full circle." She pointed out, as Sidon ran a hand down his head tail. "Yes, of course..." He smiled bashfully, before he was then pointing to a plot of land.

"Do you see that spot, there? I think we should plant the seeds there. It gets the most sunlight, and the Korok did say that was necessary for these seeds to bloom." Sidon suggested, trying to divert from his sudden shy spell. When it concerned (Y/n), he couldn't help it sometimes.

"I do see it, Sidon. Since you know the Domain so well, I'll take your word for it." (Y/n) smiled as the two then walked over to where he pointed, going to crouch down as Sidon went to dig up areas in the dirt where the two could plant the seeds. Once the two plopped the seeds in place, Sidon then sealed the area with the clumps of dug up dirt, going to run his hand over the spot to make sure the seeds were well planted. "Now, we wait." Sidon smiled at (Y/n), who nodded in agreement.

(Y/n) had a suspicion that these plants were those Sundelions that she had heard about in the dreams she would have pertaining to some mysterious persons from the past. Once these seeds would hopefully bloom, she would see if her suspicions were proven true or not.

What she wanted to know was how did this Korok come to possess the seeds of a flower she presumed had gone extinct?...

After the planting of the seeds, the two then went back to the Domain, and bid each other goodnight. After that, they went to retire to their respective areas, and soon after, (Y/n) fell asleep.

When she would open her eyes next, she would find herself back in quite the familiar dream sequence, that of viewing the past through a third perspective.

There appeared to be a joyous party being held, with a group of Hylians clapping and playing music as some danced in a fashion (Y/n) was not quite familiar with. (Y/n) assumed that this event that she was seeing was going to be similar to what she had experienced during the Champion Festival. After all, all these connected dreams that (Y/n) had thus far seem to be related somewhat to whatever she was going through in her own life.

Looking through the crowd to see if anyone looked familiar, (Y/n) then spotted Sonia sitting on what looked to be a throne of sorts, watching the party go on with a contemplative look on her face. It looked as if her mind was somewhere else.

"What is the matter, my lady? You seem distracted." A young lady whispered to the pondering Sonia, who blinked a few times, before going to address the presumed attendant with a hum. "Yes, well, it is just that I had invited some guests to come to the Harvest Celebration, and they seem to not-" Sonia paused, as suddenly, her long ears appeared to pick up on a sound... A sort of whizzing sound in the distance.

When she turned her head towards the direction of the sound, Sonia gasped as she then saw what appeared to be two flying devices that headed towards the party, a sight the other attendees noted, before they were then rushing to take cover in a panic.

One of these strange flying machines that (Y/n) saw was careening towards the ground before crashing, launching it's user towards the sky momentarily before the figure crashed to the ground with a groan of pain.

The other flying machine, which was much slower, landed peacefully on the ground beside the Priestess Sonia, who was still baffled at what had just happened. "My apologies for our tardiness. There was a... prior matter that my brother had to attend to before we arrived here. I also apologize for him startling your guests." Mineru told Sonia with a soft bow of her head, as her younger brother was picking himself from the ground.

(Sidon x Reader) The Out Of Body ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now