Chapter 16

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Teeders soon came back out into the dinning room with Mike, looking for any sign of Abby, Ram and the others. But the place was completely vacant and quiet. 

"Abby?" Mike called out as he limped around, hoping to get an answer. "Abby, where are you?"

"Guys, come in?" Teeders tried reaching her friends on the walkie talkie but all she got was static.

The adventure girl sighed, getting a bad feeling. "The virgin always lives the longest in these horror stories. God, my life sucks!" 

Just then, Mike and Teeders both heard a low growling sound. The two of them turned their heads towards the front entrance and that's when they saw it. 

Though she was still parctically blind Teeders could make out someone in a very old and busted rabbit suit come out of the enterance towards them. She quickly realized this was the man behind the slaughter. 

Teeders and Mike slowly backed away as the yellow rabbit came towards them, looking very scary and menacing at that. Mike quickly took out his taser and shot it at the rabbit. Afton laughed as the taser had no effect on him. He then charged at Mike and Teeders, knocking them both to the ground.

Back in the office~

"Only 5% power!" Kali warned. 

Just then the gang noticed Foxy looking at them through the camera as if he had heard what they just said. 

"Nuh uh, don't you look at us like that!" David said to the pirate fox. "You didn't hear anything!"

All the cameras suddenly got disabled causing the gang to yelp in surprise. 

"This is not good" Kali frowned. 

Brock was shown struggling to open the left door after it had gotten stuck. "The door's not opening!"

"I want my mommy!" David looked like he was about to cry. 

Cynthia then slapped him across the face, yelling. "Pull yourself together!"

"Thank you, I needed that!" David told the fashionista. 

"Open! Open! Open! Open! Open!" Brock kept banging on the button, trying to get the door unstuck. 

Finally the door opened, only the gang was shocked once they found who was waiting for them on the other side. Golden Freddy!

Brock screamed, viloently hitting the button again. "Close! Close! Close! Close! Close!" 

But Golden Freddy had already forced his way into the security office. Kali, Brock, and David huddled together until they saw Cynthia surprisingly jumped out in front of them. 

"You think I won't throw hands with Freddy Fazbear? Cuz I f*cking will!" Cynthia bravely faced the animatronic bear, attempting to throw karate moves out at him. 

Golden Freddy growled before striking the fashionista. 

"Cynthia, NOOOO!!!" David cried, catching her before she hit the ground. 

Kali then shot Golden Freddy with a taser before he fell to the floor with a loud crash. 

"Not tonight, Freddy" The lead adventure girl smirked as Golden Freddy had now been deactivated. 

The gang then turned back and gasped noticing what appeared to be blood on Cynthia's shirt. 

"Cynthia?..." David held her, hoping to get a response. 

Cynthia managed to open her eyes weakly and say to her friends. "Guys... I just want you all to know... That I hate you"

Cynthia then closed her eyes while David held her close and started to cry, thinking she was dead. "No! Don't go Cynthia! Please!" 

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