Chapter 2

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"HE WHAT!?!" The rest of the Akids all exclaimed. 

It was revealed Teeders had told her friends what apparently happened to Mike that got him fired from his job as a mall security guard. 

"He assaulted a man?!" David asked, wide eyed. 

"In broad daylight?!" Brock added. 

"In front of his own child?!" Ann couldn't believe this. 

"Okay, we get it" Cynthia gave an eye roll. 

"That poor man" Ram frowned. 

"Forget the man, what about that poor kid?" Jessica said. "He's proably gonna need thearpy now. Man, it's gonna cost so much"

"Eh, that man proably had it coming anyway. Especially if he was secretly working for the enemy" Cecilia mentioned. 

"I'm going down there to talk to him" Teeders said, gathering her things. 

"Do you want us to come with you?" Kali offered. 

"Nah, that's okay" Teeders said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow"

"Bye" The rest of the Akids waved as their friend left. 

Teeders soon made it down to the Career Counseling Office and immediately found Mike sitting anxiously in a chair, waiting his turn. 

"Hey" She greeted, coming over. 

Mike looked up slightly at his friend. "Hey..."

Teeders decided to keep small talk. 

"Soooo how'd it go?" She just awkardly had to ask what happend right after the incident. 

"What do you think?" Mike looked at her. 

"Number 27? Number 27?" A woman then called. 

Mike got up from his seat knowing it was his turn now. 

"Follow me" The woman said. 

Teeders and Mike both followed the woman before coming into the office of career counselor Steve Raglan. Raglan looked over Mike's records while Mike sat there anxiously and Teeders stood besides him. 

Raglan looked at Mike. "What is your deal, Mike? What are you, some kind of... head case? You beat up a man in broad daylight. In front of his child"

"That was a mistake" Mike started. "Um... It was a misunderstanding. I -I thought..."

"Just look at your employment record" Raglan went on. "Tire Zone, sales associate, two months, terminated. Insubordinatiion. Media World, custodial staff, one week. It's like you're not even trying here, yet you sit before me asking for help"

"I am just trying to figure out who you are, Michael Shm..."

Raglan stopped for a moment, looking at Mike's last name then looked at Mike which confused him. Teeders decided to speak. 

"Listen sir, it was a full on accident. So he beated up an innocent man who he mistook for a kidnapper. It could happen to anyone, am I right?" She chuckled nervously, knowing that wasn't going to help defend Mike's case. 

"I'm sorry, you are?" Raglan asked the teenage girl. 

"Teeders" The awkward adventure girl replied before looking back towards Mike. "I'm a friend"

"Last name?" Raglan asked her. 

Teeders then slowly hung her head, saying quietly. "I... I don't have one"

Raglan paused for a moment again, not saying anything as he now looked at her with interest. 

Teeders felt strangely uncomfortable. "Um, is something wrong?"

Raglan kept staring at Teeders before he offered both her and Mike. "Coffee?" 

"Sorry?" Mike said. 

Raglan stuttered his words a bit. "Uh, would you, would you like some... some coffee? I made some coffee"

"No" Mike shook his head. 

"And I don't drink caffeine" Teeders also declined. 

The two young adults watched Raglan get himself some coffee while he continued talking to them. 

"I'm gonna be brutally honest with you here, Mike. Given your track record, your options... are gonna be extremely limited"

"I'll take anything, okay? Any job you got" Mike said. 

"No. No. Look, I-I-I get that part. Um, it's just... You know, it's not that easy" Raglan said, coming back over to his desk. 

Mike frowned and hung his head. "Yeah. Thank you"

Teeders frowned, patting her friend on the shoulder as she felt bad for him. The two got up to leave when...

"I have a job for you" Raglan told Mike. 

Mike and Teeders both turned around. 

"Come on, sit down" Raglan told them. "Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit"

Mike came back over to his seat, this time with Teeders sitting next to him. 

"Okay, uh, well, what is it?" Mike asked. 

"It's a security gig" Raglan told him. 

"Full disclosure: it's not great. Right? High turnover. That's what we call it in the business, but you get to be your own boss. Sort of. And you only have to worry about one thing. Keeping people out. And, you know, and keep the place tidy" He explained. 

"That's two things" Teeders pointed out. 

"Well, we could always use the extra help" Raglan said, looking at Teeders now. "You seem like the kind of girl who could handle this sort of thing"

Teeders eyes widened a bit in surprise as he was offering her the job too.

"So, do you want the job or not?" Raglan asked Mike and Teeders. 

"How's the pay?" Mike asked. 

"Not great" Raglan replied. "But the hours are worse" 

Teeders gave Raglan a weird look as that didn't help. The room was quiet for a few moments before Mike murmured. 

"I can't do nights..."

"Excuse me?" Raglan asked. 

"I can't do nights" Mike said more loudly this time. He couldn't afford to as he had his little sister Abby to take care of. 

"And I'll take a pass on this too" Teeders added, not being intrested in the job. 

Raglan frowned at both of them. "That's such a shame" 

"Yeah, well... Thank you for your time" Teeders said, getting up to leave with Mike until...

"Wait, uh..." Raglan got up and handed them both his card. "In case you have a change of heart"

Mike and Teeders both took the cards before leaving the building. 

Teeders came home that evening with not much to say. She only had a quick bite of her dinner and went straight to bed. It was a quiet night as she slept soundly and started having a very unusual dream. But this was more then just a dream. It was actually... a memory. 

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