Chapter 7

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The gang came to the front entrance, seeing it was still raining pretty hard out there before Mike opened the door. There standing before them was a female officer with blonde hair. 

"About time" She said with a smile. "Starting to think maybe you fell asleep on the job"

Mike tried gathering his thoughts together, as he had still just woken up. "Um... Can, I, uh, help you, Officer?"

"Please, my name's Vanessa" She replied. "And you must be the new security guard?"

"Y-Yeah..." Mike replied quietly. 

"Wow, I didn't think there'd be this many of you" She commented, seeing the Akids standing behind Mike.

"Oh, we are not security guards" Cynthia quickly told her before pointing to Teeders and Mike. "They are"

"We're only here helping them" Kali clarified. 

"Ah, I see" Vanessa nodded. She then noticed something with Mike. "You're bleeding, by the way"

Everyone looked down at Mike's arm to see that it was in fact bleeding and it looked pretty nasty. 

"Oh, Mike" Teeders had a look as the blood was trailing all the way down his arm. 

The Akids eyes widened as they quietly looked to each other, thinking that the pirate fox must've gotten him back in the office. 

"Come on" Vanessa said, coming in. "I know where they keep the first aid kit"

Mike and Teeders followed her while the rest of the Akids held back for a minute looking confused. Who was this lady?

The gang were soon sitting at a table, helping Mike with his wound while Vanessa was checking around the office. 

"Love what you've done with the place" She said, before noticing Mike's poster of the Nebraska wilderness. "Why Nebraska?"

Mike only glanced at her as he wasn't really paying attention. 

"Here, Mike" Teeders helped wrapped some bandages around his injured arm. 

"You need a hand?" Vanessa offered them. 

"We're fine, thanks" David said. 

But Vanessa insisted, taking over wrapping up Mike's arm. "Here. I'm a certified EMT. So if your heart ever goes out, I'm the one you want to call"

The Akids looked at Vanessa, feeling strangely suspicious of the police officer. 

"You seem to really know your way around this place" Ann said to her. 

"Well, Freddy's is on my beat" Vanessa explained. "I like to stay well-informed"

"Also, I really loved this place as a kid" She then mentioned before finishing up with Mike's arm. "There. That should do it"

"Thank you" Teeders said. 

Vanessa then held out her hand, giving a more proper introduction. "Vanessa Shelly"

Mike shook Vanessa's hand. "Mike"

"And we're the Adventure Kids" Kali introduced her group. 

"Pleasure to meet you all" Vanessa smiled at them before she then asked. "You doing all right this evening?" 

"What?" Mike gave a confused look. 

"Are you good? Are you okay? Is everything copacetic?" Vanessa went on. 

The Akids sat there quietly, not knowing if they should say anything. Surely a police officer would think they'd be crazy saying how the animatronics had come alive. Not to mention one nearly mauled them right in this office just a few minutes ago. Luckily, Mike stepped in. 

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