Chapter 15

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"You need to avoid the front entrance" Vanessa's voice told the gang once they arrived on scene. 

Mike and Teeders took Ann, Jessica and Cecilia through an outlet vent on the east side of the building after Vanessa had told them that was the best way inside while Kali, Brock, Cynthia and David went in another way, planning to keep an eye on things from the security office. 

Inside, Abby and Ram smiled watching Freddy and his friends preform until Chica gestured to the kids, wanting them to follow her. 

Mike and his group soon made it in through the vent right as they spotted Chica leading the kids away.

"No!" Mike said. 

"Ram!" Jessica cried before Ann covered her mouth, fearing they'd get caught. 

Mike busted the vent open as they carefully snuck up to the animatronics. Mike came towards the stage when Teeders grabbed him, both quickly ducking down before Freddy could see them. The animatronic bear looked around while the gang held their breaths, being right underneath him. Freddy soon resumed his singing with Bonnie while the gang peaked out of their hiding place, just being able to make out the kids off the stage with Chica. 

"Abby..." Mike whispered. 

Abby and Ram followed Chica down the hallway before the doors to the supply room opened by themselves which creeped them out a little. 

"Chica, where are we going?" Abby asked the chicken. 

But Chica obviously didn't answer as she led them into the supply room when the doors soon closed behind them. 

"I don't like the looks of this" Ram whispered to Abby. 

Meanwhile, Kali's group had made it into the office. They quickly checked the monitors in order to help the rest of the gang find the kids faster and keep an eye on the animatronics. 

Brock came up to the answering machine. "I actually kinda miss the phone calls"

"Hey, look, there's one more message" Cynthia noticed the light blinking. 

"Let's play it" David said. 

Brock pressed the button. But all they heard were some demonic scary voices before David quickly hung up the phone and unplugged the cord, telling the others. 

"...We'll let that go to voicemail"

Back with Mike and Teeders's group, they were still hiding under the stage trying to figure out a way to get past Bonnie and Freddy. That's when Ann pointed out some buckets of water she had spotted to the gang. Teeders and Mike took the buckets, pouring the water out onto the stage remaining unseen by the animatronics. Mike then took out his taser, aiming at the animatronics feet and took the shot causing Freddy and Bonnie to go haywire and fall to the ground, deactivating them. 

"Two down, two to go" Cecilia smirked. 

Meanwhile, Chica brought the kids further into the supply room where they noticed one of the older animatronic models placed on the table with it's springlocks sticking out. Abby and Ram both appeared very nervous. 

"Chica, I don't like this" Abby said. 

Suddenly, Chica's eyes glowed and she grabbed Abby. Abby screamed. "Let go of me!"

Mike and the others heard Abby's crys. "Abby?!"

"Ram!" Jessica called out to her little brother. 

"They're in the back room! Hurry!" Kali told them over the walkie talkie, watching from the cameras. 

Abby was terrified when Chica picked her up off the ground and tried forcing her into the suit. "Chica, let me go!"

"Let go of her, Chica!" Ram banged his fists against Chica, trying to get her to drop Abby. But the chicken was unaffected by his attacks. 

Suddenly, Mike and the others bursts through the door. 

"Hey!" Mike pointed his taser at Chica. "Leave her alone!"

"Get away from my brother!" Jessica glared at the freaky chicken. 

Chica screeched at them before Mike shot her right in the eye and the chicken fell to the ground. Abby came to Mike while Ram ran to Jessica. 

"Are you two okay?" Mike asked them. 

"Are you hurt?" Jessica hugged her brother. 

"We're fine now, thanks to you guys" Ram replied, being happy to see his sister and friends. 

Abby however appeared very scared now, looking back at a now deactivated Chica. "I don't know what's wrong with her. I don't know why she was trying to hurt me"

"I know. I know" Mike held his sister close, comforting her. 

"Don't worry" Teeders assured them. "It's all over now" 

Mike then faced Abby, telling her. "Abby, listen to me. I've been an idiot about so many things. I've been stuck trying to fix the past, but you are the most importat thing in the world to me, and I promise you I'm gonna do better"

"I love you too, Mike" Abby told her brother. "But we should probably go now"

"I couldn't agree with you more" Ram said.

The rest of the gang glanced back at Chica before Jessica nodded. "Right. Let's get out of here"

The gang quickly left the room, booking it towards the exit. Teeders helped support Mike since he was still limping due to his injuries. 

"How we doing, sis?" Ann asked on the walkie talkie. 

"Could be better" Kali replied on the other end, revealing they had very little power left. 

The gang was nearing the exit when...

"Guys look out!" Cynthia warned over the walkie talkie as she saw something they didn't behind them. 

Suddenly, Mike fell to the ground as he felt pain in his left leg. Teeders turned around to see that the cupcake had a hold of Mike's leg. 

"Mike!" Abby cried out to her brother. 

"Run! Hide!" Mike urged his sister. "Abby, go!"

"Guys, go with them!" Teeders told the others to go with Abby and Ram to protect them while she stayed with Mike. 

Abby didn't want to leave her brother, but she knew she didn't have a choice. Jessica led the others back into the dinning room, looking for a place to hide. Little did they know they were being stalked by Foxy. 

Mike cried out in pain as the cupcake was biting down on his leg. 

"Get! Off! Of! Him!" Teeders helped kick the demonic cupcake off of Mike's leg. 

But the cupcake was no where near finished from attacking them. Luckily, Mike grabbed that eletric pole and used it right as the cupcake lunged for him, causing a direct blow out for Mr. Cupcake. Teeders sighed in relief before helping Mike back up as they went to rejoin the others. 

Meanwhile, Jessica and the others were hiding behind some arcade games after they saw that Foxy was hunting them. 

"Nobody make a sound" Ann whispered to the others. 

They nodded before Abby accidentally bumped into one of the arcade games, turning it on which alerted Foxy. Ram quickly pulled Abby out of view before Foxy could see her. The pirate fox slowly made his way over towards the source of the noise. But when he turned the corner he found no one there. 

Abby and the others were now revealed to be hiding in the ballpit. Although Ann was a bit uncomfortable due to it smelling like pee. 

The Adventure Kids Spend Five Nights at Freddy'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora