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Fiona's POV:

As I sit back down in my chair, Collins announces, "Everyone! Let's welcome our guest speaker of the day, Brianna Hernandez and her parents. Let's make them feel welcome." We all join together to clap for our guests.

Brianna's parents take seats on a side of the room, while Brianna stands in front of us, "Hello, thank you. Hi! So, when I was eight years old, my mom and her boyfriend decided that it would be a good idea to build a meth lab in our garage. They made me deliver drugs for them. They abused me physically, and some of their customers abused me sexually. When I was 11, our garage exploded, and I was put in the system. I bounced around from placement to placement. Pretty soon, I was 14. Nobody wants a teenager, so I would be aging out in a few years. The thing is, over half a dozen kids who age out of foster care end up homeless, addicted, incarcerated, or dead within two years. That was going to be me. Trying to start my adult life. But, with no family to help me pick a college, nobody to come home to on the holidays, or cry to when my first boyfriend dumped me for Missy Howard."

She looks over to her parents, with tears in her eyes, "But then those two very special people came along. And I didn't make it easy on them. But no matter how hard I pushed them away, they were always there with a sack lunch and a ride." She looks to them once again, "Thanks guys."

By the end of the story, I had tears in my own eyes. I now think that I am special enough to adopt a foster child. I think I'm perfect for this, but I don't want to think that it's going to be easier than what it actually is. No matter what! I'm going to be a mom again!

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