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The next day...

Fiona made it a point to attend the first ever foster care meeting. There she met the two women leaders who are in charge of the event, Scarlett and Collins.

Collins announces, "Over a half million children are currently in foster care. The system is overloaded, okay? It doesn't need any more kids. So, for a child to be removed, the conditions have to be pretty bleak. Usually involving abuse or extreme neglect. And some of these kids can often languish in the system, unless a wonderful family like yours steps up for them."

A lady speaks up, "We'll step up. We'll take one right away!" Collins responds with sarcasm, "Perfect" She points behind her while smiling, "Let me go check in back,see what we have in stock."

Everyone laughs at her nature. Scarlett, "She is kidding, of course. We do not stock" Scarlett looks towards Collins, "You know that." Collins nods her head. Scarlett announces, "But we can take you through the eight-week foster parenting course, and you can get your certification. And then we can pair you with some kids that you can foster until they become adoptable."

Collins issues with warning, "But it is not going to be easy, folks. These kids will test your will, put a strain on your relationship, and push buttons you didn't even know that you had." She looks around the room, "I can tell by looking at you that not all y'all are gonna make it."

Scarlett smiles gently, "I actually think this group has got the grit to face some unpleasant." Just as she said that, a couple walked out of the room, and out of the building, "You guys heading out? Yeah? Thank you. Bye bye."

Collins and Scarlett begin a conversation between themselves quietly, "Okay. That one's on me." Scarlett looked annoyed, "It absolutely is. We have gone over this before." Collins admits, "We have." Scarlett, "This is a problem" Collins once again admits, "It's a problem."

Collins continues, "Okay, everybody. Why don't we learn your names, and what type of children you're looking for." A couple in the front takes the lead with introductions, "We're Laura and Keanu McCann. The Lord has guided us here to adopt a baby boy or a girl." Keanu, "The big guy has blessed us with so much, we would just like to share that with a child that needs a home."

Everyone claps as Collins moves onto another couple, "Ok. What about over here." She says after everyone finishes clapping. Another couple begins their introductions, "I'm Brendan, and this is my wife, Charlie. And we have been trying to have a baby for three years now." Fiona felt sad for them, "But no matter what we do, I can't get..." She hold herself back from the oncoming wave of tears, as she politely asked for another couple to go.

"My name is Sarah, and this is Matt. We've also been trying to conceive now. Pretty much since the first night we met." Everyone laughs with them, they reminded Fiona of Kevin and Veronica.

Matt, "That is correct. We have just not had any luck. We are looking for a child of any gender or ethnicity up to 9 years old." A woman stands up, "Hello. My name is Jessica Morgan Ross. I would like to be the single mother of an athletically gifted teen boy, who I can help to reach his full Division One scholarship potential. Preferably African American."

Collins demonstrated a sour look on her face, as she tries to hide it. Everyone's attention is directed towards Fiona, who is laughing uncontrollably, "Oh, my gosh. You cannot be serious. This is like that Michael Ore story- like, the movie. That's just great."

Then Fiona realizes, "You are not joking. Oh my god. I am so sorry. I just thought because of Matt and Sarah. I mean, that is the plot of The Blind Side." The room went silent, as Fiona thought to herself, "Yeah, she's crazy."

She stands up anxiously, "My name's Fiona Gallagher. I would also be a single mother. I have five younger siblings. 4 boys, Phillip, Ian, Carl and Liam. My sisters' name is Debbie. We all live in the Southside area of Chicago."

She would've said more, but she sat down as a couple with an adult woman walked into the room.

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