Chapter 46: Family

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Yang looks around, seeing nothing but shrouded darkness.

All around her are broken pieces of buildings and darkness. She looks around, confused, and lets out a small gasp when she looks down. She raises both of her arms and turns them, examining their presence..

Yang looks up from her arms to see Adam Taurus walking toward her. The red accents in his hair, mask and outfit have a surreal glow. Yang steps back defensively and discovers that she is suddenly wearing Ember Celica. She blasts Adam five times, but they do nothing to him while he steadily continues walking closer.

Adam puts his right hand on the handle of his sheathed sword. Yang tries to attack him again, but her weapon is gone.

She stares for a moment in confusion and disbelief and then startles when Adam is abruptly directly before her. He grins at her and starts to unsheath Wilt from Blush.

Yang eyes dilated as she sees the blade goes over to strike her....


But it was blocked as Yang looks in shocked to see him blocking Adam's strike..

Yang: Y/N!!!

She called out, relieve and almost to be in tears as Adam disappears as he was defeated, leaving only Y/n until suddenly her expression turns to shock!

Yang: !?

Y/n was suddenly engulped in a bright light to which his body starts disappearing much to her horror.

Yang: N-No wait! Y/n!!

She reaches out to him as she ran but he was disappearing fast out of her reach.

Yang: W-Wait!! Please! Come back! Don't go! Y/N!!!



Yang: *GASP!!!*

Yang awakens with a gasp. She is in her room, lying on her bed. Yang looks around before her eyes lands on a necklace lying on the bedside table.

She looks at it for a moment before turning her face away.

But then she hears laughter coming from downstairs.

Yang heads downstairs to see what was going on with the noise, only to discover her former teachers Professors Bartholomew Oobleck and Peter Port sitting at their kitchen table and laughing with her father, Taiyang Xiao Long.

Port: And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just... I just left the room to laugh!

Yang comes to the kitchen door while the three laugh.

Tai: We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!

Oobleck: That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?

Tai: Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we-

Port puts his right leg on the tabletop, cutting off Tai.

Port: "Like what you see?"

The three laugh and Port loses his balance. He tries to save himself from falling, but ends up on the floor.

Port: Whoa-oh!

There's even more laughter. Tai claps from mirth and Port joins in the hilarity from the floor. Yang giggles too, covering her mouth, but the three teachers become alerted to her presence. Oobleck stands while Port gets up off the floor.

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