Chapter 8: Visited

Depuis le début

"What?" I asked. My head was spinning, she was dead, I was dead, why were we here, where was I before? 

"I literally save your life, for you to die TWO SECONDS LATER." I thought she was about to slap me again, but instead she shook me back and forth, nearly tossing me off of my feet. 

We weren't even standing on anything, everything below us was void, even though beneath my feet felt solid. 


"You know what, that's not the point—" She cut off, a frantic air returning to her voice. Syllables in her sentence seemed drowned out, quieter than others, before spiking and her voice raising to nearly a shout. "Bet you missed me, bitch."

"Of course—" I started, before I was stopped. Things suddenly grabbed at my attention, pulling my gaze in different directions, stretching my sense of hearing like it had a hold of my jaw, away from my sister. 

"No, Scott, you have to listen to me." Erin snapped, her voice jagged and sharp like the daggers she had wielded. "Don't listen to them."

"Listen to what??" My voice seemed muffled, foggy, like my ears were clogged with water that also blurred my vision. The world around me flickered again, Erin's form seemed to crumple before she was back on her feet like she had never fallen. 

Nothing felt real. But at the same exact time I could feel the sting of air in my nose, the tension, the violent panging of panic and fear in my chest, my heart pummeling against my ribs. The realness was nonexistent yet suffocatingly present. 

Erin didn't give me an answer to my question. "They're idiots, all of them, they'll never be able to find it—" Find what?? "—you have to do it for them. I would if I could but—" her voice seemed to sizzle out in static for a moment, her expression falling blank before returning to its original, wild look. 

"What." I exclaimed, choking on the dread creeping up my throat like claws digging through my neck. I felt the hands from before, tugging and grabbing at me from all sides, trying to drag me away from my sister. But she held steadfast, knuckles already pale beyond belief growing whiter beneath the bloodstains as she kept her grip on my collar. 

Yet again, my question was ignored.

"You can't forget Scott, don't get distracted, the world you're in is not what it seems. They're imposters. She's an imposter." Erin was speaking quickly, rushing and tripping over her words, words that became choppy and hoarse the longer she spoke. Like she was worried she wouldn't be able to get them all out. "You have to get there first."

"Get where?!" I asked, raising my voice. I couldn't process what was getting told to me, I didn't know what was happening. I still didn't know where we were, why was it silent but why was there shouting, why did every breath I took feel like the entire sky in my lungs yet at the same time I couldn't breathe? 

"The library. The others will make it, but they have no clue what they're in for. They're going to fail." She hissed through clenched teeth.

"Who are?!"

"I don't have time to explain! Just get there. As soon as you can. You'll know what I mean soon enough. Hopefully." She replied, trailing off in a tone that didn't sound...the most confident. "I didn't think it would take this long." 

"What would?!"

Erin facepalmed with one of her hands, releasing some of the pressure on my shirt. "Oh my god you're cluelesssss." She groaned, squeezing the bridge of her nose, as if I weren't there at all to begin with. "It's messing with your head. They don't want you back."

The Majors, Rebuild and Reunite (Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant