Chapter 19 Even More Worried

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The walk to school from their home was a sudden change. Usually Daniel would be walking with some of his friends or all of them.But since it's a different route they take, Daniel couldn't walk with them.

Daniel walked along with his sister, thinking about the change. 

The morning of class was normal but he still felt depressed. Not to mention that his friends being in his class made him  felt a bit scared. 

Then a class mate next to him dropped her pencil. So Daniel got off his chair and went to pick it up. 

"I'll get it." Daniel said He kneeled down and grabbed the pencil and was about to give it to the student but then he instantly had a flashback of him stabbing his father in the leg and him shouting in pain.

Daniel freaked out and he fell on his back. Some of the students looked at him as he fell with other people already witnessed it.

Daniel then calms down. "I'm sorry." Daniel then handed the student the pencil. "It's fine, are you okay? that fall seems like it hurts." The student asked. "No i'm fine." Daniel said. He wanted to forget about it.

Katerina watched the whole thing, she felt more worried for him. 

Later when they had lunch Katerina tried to talk to him but he quickly got out of the class before she could say anything.

She felt a bit sad, Miss Elaina witnessed it and comforted Katerina. "Katerina are you okay?" Miss Elaina asks.

"I don't know. I'm just really worried about him." Katerina replied. "I know." Miss Elaina said.

The both of them later met The rest of their friends Prince Wednesday, O, And Jodi.

"So umm have you apologized to Daniel." Miss Elaina asks. "Yeah, he's said it was fine but i'm not sure he's doing good after that." Wednesday said.

"Yeah it doesn't seem like it. This morning when he helped that student Hannah picking up her pencil he freaked out he fell on his back." Katerina said. 

"Agreed. I have never seen that from Daniel." Miss Elaina said. "Do you guys think something happened that triggered him?" Jodi asked. "That could be the case." O said. "If it is. I really hope it doesn't get worse" Katerina said.

After lunch Daniel's class were playing soccer for gym class.

Daniel was put in a team with Wednesday and Jodi while the rest was on the other team. For awhile things were close with each team scoring even amounts of goals.

Daniel hadn't had that much fun in days and his friends were glad he's gotten better. But as the game goes on, he felt more and more unsettling.

He doesn't know why but his feelings kept telling him to run for his life. He began to run faster and faster.

At one point he had the ball. He was surround by the opposing team so he manoeuvred his way around. He past them all. with no other choice he ran faster and faster.

Then Daniel sees Katerina ahead of him who was on the other team. 

Daniel tried to move away from her but he ends up tripping over the ball, and because he ran so fast he hit the ground in the head really hard

"Daniel!" Katerina quickly came to Daniel who was on the ground. The gym teacher immediately stopped the game and came to Daniel. All of the students and Daniel's friends were shocked at what happened.

As Daniel got up Katerina saw that his forehead was bleeding and it slowly covered most his right face.

"Let's get you to the infirmary" The gym teacher said. She then reached her hand to Daniel but this caused him to swipe her hand away from him out of fear.

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