Chapter 12 Calming At The Moment

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(Hello. I am certainly rewinding, fixing and changing the story a bit so there will be inconsistency in the story)

(The next day.) 

Daniel woke up in his room. "Oh, it's morning." Daniel got up and walked out of his room. But only to see his house on fire. Stuff and furniture are scattered everywhere or in pieces. Daniel was in shock. He wanders around and tries to find his family. 

However he finds his mother laying dead. "No...No...NO!" Daniel shook her but no response. He ran outside to get help. He reached for his phone, but it's not in his pocket. The only thing left was his keychain which turned to dust along with grandpere's gift. He ran to Jodi's house next door. But it was on fire as well and he saw Jodi's family. All of them were killed. 

"NOOOO!" Daniel shouted. He can't believe it. His friend is dead. Tears were pouring out. He ran to find someone. He then saw trolley in the ocean with O the Owl and his uncle dead on the shore line. They look like they were shot when they got away.! This isn't real?" Daniel said. He continued to look for help and in the distance to see the castle that Prince Wednesday lived in was blown up. Daniel could not believe it. How is this happening? 

He continued to head to town to get help only to find Henrietta on the ground crying. He then sees his father scratch up and impaled by a knife. Daniel went to his dad. But he was gone. He turned his head to look at Henrietta.

Henrietta looked at Daniel,  she's been sobbing for awhile. She had scratch marks and she was bleeding. But not only that but her hands were holding someone.

"N..N..No. it can be..." Daniel said. Henrietta showed Daniel what she was holding. Daniel heart sank when she revealed that it was Katerina, she had a stab mark on chest which killed her. 

"!" Daniel got to his knees and cried. He put his head on Katerina's forehead and cried. He was too late. All of his friends, their families, and his parents were killed. Including Katerina. He looked around to see the knife that was on his dad. He got up and took it out of his chest. His life was completely over without her. He was ready to die. Held tightly on the knife and then sta..

"Daniel?" His mother woke him up. He looked around and he was in his room in his bed. "Did you have a bad dream?" His mother asked. "Yeah." Daniel said. "Do you want to explain what happened?" His mother asked. "I woke up here to find the house on fire and parts of the furniture were everywhere. I saw you dead when I went outside. My friends and some of their families died as well." Daniel explains. 

"I'm Sorry Daniel, that must've been scary. Well I made pancakes for breakfast Daniel." His mother said. "Oh, thanks" Daniel said. He got up and went to the table where his pancakes were. Margaret was halfway done with her's when he came. 

"Good morning Daniel" Margaret said. "Morning. Where's dad?" Daniel asks. "Oh he's gone out late yesterday, he says that he's needed in a different town to fix a big clock. He won't be back till 12 pm." His mother explains. "Okay." Daniel said. He ate his pancakes and went to get ready for school.

He couldn't get the dream out of his head. What if this could happen? Then his dad arrived home. "I'm back." Daniel's dad said. "Hello dad, aren't you here a bit early?" Daniel said. "Oh I finished the big clock in the other town quicker than expected." His dad explains. "Okay." Daniel said.

"So umm I forgot to mention but umm how you been with Katerina and Miss Elaina yesterday?" His dad said. "Oh umm." Daniel then remembers that Katerina kissed him yesterday. He then sweated a bit which caught his dad's attention. "You two kissed have you?" His dad asked. "Umm.. "sigh" alright we did." Daniel was completely red. "Congratulations son." His dad patted his head. 

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