Chapter 10 Trying To Keep It In

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The next day

"Daniel. Could you come here for a sec?" Daniels dad asks. "Sure thing." Daniel walked to his dad who was planting flowers.

"Could you help me plant these flowers, I wanna make our home nice" his dad asks. "Sure thing." Daniel puts one flower from another to the ground that his dad digs up. "Say Daniel i heard that you and Katerina hung out yesterday. How did that go out?" His dad asks.

"Oh umm. Great, we had fun." Daniel replied. His dad then noticed that his son was blushing a little bit. He remembers what nearly happened yesterday "Do you like her?" Daniels dad asks. "umm" Daniel couldn't say.

"It's ok. You don't have to tell." His dad said. "W...wait. Okay I do." Daniel admitted. "I just can't stop thinking about her." Daniel said.

"It's ok I've been there before. I've seen you two grown up over the years and I'm proud of you going out with Katerina Daniel" his dad said. "To be honest I did have a crush on a girl once" His dad said.

"Wait. Are you talking about the time that you and your mother met? Daniel asks. "No we met later, it was a girl I met in camp once. Her name was Sarah. She was next door to our cabin, we always talked to each other, did camp activities together, And just hung out with her." His dad explains.

Daniel was shocked. He never knew that his dad had a crush on another girl before his mother.

"When it was time to go we hugged each other goodbye but before we departed we gave each other phone numbers so we could talk to each other. I remember almost failing a test once because of it." His dad laughed.

"And sometimes we visit each other homes and walk around for awhile. It was when I was 13 when we both confessed our feelings for each other." He said.

"But one day. We were going on our 6th date. Or was it 7th, anyways we were walking back to her home when we saw a man trying to rob a teenager. I ran to get him off but he fought back." He explains

"However I got the upper hand when i hold him at the back of the suv when he pulled out his revolver he had and tried to shoot me when I pinned him against the wall. I had to let go and try to move out of the way when he ran away." His dad said.

"I made sure that I wasn't hit but when I turned Sarah was lying on the ground. I ran to her and cried, I couldn't believe he shot her and she was dying. I remember her saying that she loved me before she passed away in the hospital." His dad said.

"I still wished it was me who took the bullet instead of her. But one day my class had a new student and she was your mother. She didn't know why I was saddened but after she found out she Comfort me and helped me to get over my loss and over time we fell in love." He explains.

"But she was with someone else before we met but they were no longer together." Daniel's dad said.

"Who was it?" Daniels asks?

"Oh it was baker Aker. They did have contact once or nowadays but when his dad needed a job he moved here. She introduced us to each other and I remember being jealous sometimes but we worked it out." His dad explains.

"But he's gone now." Daniel mentions.

"Yeah but me and your mother have a thing in common. We both lost a love on but we both ended up with each other." He explains. 

"Listen daniel, being in love is a great thing but it can crush you in a moment. So don't let her go. Don't ever let go of her." His dad advised. "Thanks dad." Daniel said.

"Daniel it's time for school." His mother said.

"Oh right, sorry dad gotta go now." Daniel then got up.

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