Mike, along with the Akids looked confused at the police officer as they were really going through with this. 

"Everyone, follow us" Abby said, as she and Ram led the way. 

"This is crazy" Cynthia said. "You're all crazy"

Suddenly Cynthia bumped into something, turning around as it was revealed to be Foxy. The creepy pirate fox stared down at the fashionista who laughed nervously. 

"Hi..." She waved. 

The Akids, Mike, Vanessa, Abby and Ram began building the fort with whatever they could find around the restaurant, along with help from Freddy and his gang. They stopped for a moment to check their progress. 

"It's need to be higher" Abby said.

"Yeah" Ram nodded in agreement. 

The adults looked at each other, not knowing how they were going to top that off as they had already used all the tables. But the animatronics had an idea. Bonnie and Foxy managed to set the tables on top of each other, making the fort big enough for everyone. 

"Yes! You did it!" Ram cheered for the robot fox and rabbit. 

Through all the excitement though, Bonnie fell backwards nearly crushing Brock if he didn't get out of the way in time. The adventure boy let out a scream before the rabbit hit the ground hard. 

Abby rushed over with the others, asking Bonnie. "Are you okay?" 

Bonnie gave them a thumbs up, showing that he was all right. Soon the whole gang was lying around together inside the fort. 

"I like it in here" Vanessa said. 

"Me too" Abby added. 

"Me three" Ram smiled, being in between Bonnie and Jessica. 

"It is kinda cozy" Ann admitted, before she and the Akids turned and were all startled by Chica's cupcake who was staring at them from above the table. 

"Looks like you still need a name, little guy" Brock said to the cupcake. 

"Maybe, Buddy?" David suggested. "Or should we call you Carl?" 

"How about, Demon Cupcake" Cynthia blurted out, earning her an unsettling glare from the creepy eyed cupcake. 

Abby soon spoke, telling everyone. "I think it's gonna rain soon"

"Yeah, we could use a roof" Ram added. 

Vanessa then got up, saying. "I'll go see what I can find"

"I'll, uh... I'll come with you" Mike immediately got up to go with Vanessa before whispering to Abby. "Abby, don't forget to ask"

Abby and Ram both nodded before Mike left. Teeders, Kali, and Brock decided to follow Mike and Vanessa while the rest of the Akids would keep an eye on Abby and Ram. And more importantly... the animatronics. 

Mike and the others followed Vanessa before she brought them into the storage room. 

"What are you looking for exactly?" Brock asked. 

"Tablecloths" Vanessa replied. "They used to keep'em back here for big events"

"Right" Kali nodded before looking to the female officer in suspicion. "And remind us how you know that?"

Vanessa was rummaging through a box before taking out the tablecloths. "Found'em"

Mike and Teeders then both noticed something out of the corner of their eyes. There sitting around a pile of boxes was this very old looking animatronic model that had these odd looking springs poking out of its body. Out of curiousity, Mike reached out to touch it when...

The Adventure Kids Spend Five Nights at Freddy'sWhere stories live. Discover now