
Why did he look different? But now that she thought about it, this reminded her of the time when Oikawa's shirt was stuck to him while they danced in the rain. His chocolate brown hair was deflated as his pearly white teeth was aimed at her on delight. He had muscles as well, almost as big as Iwaizumi's. She could see why he was the heartthrob of school.

She thought of Kyotani. His hard expression, but his face seemed soft as a baby's. His yellow eyes and eyeliner would pierce through anyone, but it somehow didn't faze Y/n in the slightest. The way his rough hand swiped across the desk to wipe the horrid words off. His deep and gruff voice grunting in acknowledgment when she would greet him. He had muscles as well, though not as big as Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's. But somehow it fit his stature.

Her heart started to patter quicker than before. She'll have to ask her dad about this.


She blinked, "Uh, huh?"

Iwaizumi had a concerned face, "Are you okay? If you don't like the french toast I can—"

"I love it!" She blurted. "Thank you!" She bowed. A red color then coated her cheeks when she realized what she said. "I'll eat it gratefully!"

Iwaizumi laughed, "There's no need for that. I'm happy as long as you enjoy it." He patted her head. "But you zoned out for a second..." His concerned face came back.

"Yeah, are you okay?" Oikawa chimed in. "It's okay if you don't like Iwa-Chan's cooking. Because I will happily eat it for you—"

"SHUT UP!" The ace chopped Oikawa's head.


"It's just..." Attention turned to Y/n. "No one's ever cooked for me before. Well, besides Gyutaro." She smiled softly, "But it means more when it's coming from a friend." She scanned the room and locked eyes with every team member.
Her soft smile turned to a wide one. Y/n felt her eyes water but she blinked them away. She then bowed again and yelled, "Thank you all for being my friend! I promise to be the bestest teammate and friend you guys can have!"

The team were stunned into silence. They looked at each other before forming into a line. Oikawa was in the middle of it and he smiled genuinely.

"No, thank you, Y/n." He said softly before bowing. The rest of the team followed.



Y/n walked home that day with a different feeling compared to the ones she had felt for the past couple of days. She had a pep in her step and her lips were formed into a fond smile. In her hand was the container of french toast that Iwaizumi had given her.

When she opened the door, she was met with Obanai Iguro. She held the smile and waved at him. This made the Hashira quirk his eyebrow.

"You seem happy." He said. But secretly, he felt relieved to see that smile. He knew that the words online were getting to her.

"Yup!" She sat beside him on the couch and patted Kubarumaru on the head. He relished in the touch. "You're still on the case?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

Y/n looked at his computer, seeing names written down in a document. She assumed they were the same individuals who were making fun of her online.



"I'm having an odd feeling." Y/n's eyebrows furrowed as she clenched her heart. Why did she feel nervous talking about this?

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