New Friends and Old Secrets

Start from the beginning

Something suddenly struck Jake in the back of the head from behind. It was a Rugby ball that had been thrown from the field where a group of older boys were beginning their PE Lesson.

"Eyes up Jakealynn," Said one of the larger boys, "You don't wanna get hit now do you?"

"That was a good one, Steve," Jake shouted back, "The old gears were really grinding on that one. You can see the smoke from here."

Steve and his boys weren't paying much attention. They were still laughing at a joke Ben wasn't sure he understood. Jake picked up the rugby ball and threw it back over into the field. He had not thrown it very hard, but he had somehow managed to aim it in just a way that the point in the ball struck Steve in his left eye.

Steve made a number of expletives with a few choice words for the boy who had done this to him. They faded into the background though, as Jake pulled Ben off into one of the buildings.

"Don't worry about Steve," Said Jake, "He's a real caveman. Honestly, they fished him out of the ice a week ago. A little simple maybe but who are we to judge a man from such a different time."

Ben laughed which seemed to have an energising effect on Jake.

"Anyway, we better get going," Said Jake, "Let me guess you're looking for Math class right? It's impossible, I know. My first day I was wandering around for hours until a little birdie told me where it was. Just Stick with me kid, and I'll get you through."

Jake put his arm around Ben's shoulder and led him up the stairs to their Maths class. Ben felt for sure Jake would be able to feel his heart beating through his chest but obviously he wouldn't.

They were five minutes late to their lesson, but that apparently meant nothing. The teacher was still embroiled in getting the class to settle down so he could take the register and that gave Ben a chance to sneak him and Jake in. Ben wasn't sure he would call it a skill, but he had always had a habit of being ignored. In times like this, it could be quite the advantage.

All told Ben could probably have missed this lesson with little consequence. The teacher, he never caught his name, was having a real challenge with the class. He had failed to get them quiet enough before the deadline for the register, so he just quickly marked everyone present before he got a call from reception. After that, he managed to write something on the board about variables but never seemed to get far in his explanation before something was thrown or the name of a famous footballer was shouted out in a funny voice.

Ben hated all of this. He found himself becoming increasingly anxious as the noise from both the other pupils and teachers increased. He had naively thought that Secondary school was going to be more orderly than Primary. They were meant to be big kids now after all.

It was quite a relief when the bell finally went, and the defeated Maths teacher didn't even finish whatever it was they were trying to say.

Ben began making his way towards the meeting spot with Sara when Jake stopped him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, "The Halls this way."

"I was just going to meet my sister." Said Ben

"She'll probably be there," Said Jake, "Trust me you want to get to the hall quick or all the nice food will be gone. You'll be left with broccoli or something."

"I like broccoli," said Ben.

"Your super weird Ben," Said Jake, "I like you."

Ben blushed and tried his best to hide it.

Jake had been right that an early entrance to the hall was probably for the best. The place was heaving with kids from all the years with a line all the way out into the yard. Ben still had his lunch from Tia Maggie, so he at least didn't have to wait in line. Jake didn't have a packed lunch, but he also had a way out of waiting in line. With a quick hand and sticky fingers worthy of the artful dodger Jake managed to fill an entire tray with whatever he could snatch in the gaps between people. With a little help from Ben, he was even able to sneak past the lady at the tills, giving him a veritable feast for nothing.

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