Yujiro's little favor

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After arriving at Shin Shin Kai,you went to the elevator with Yujiro to get your stuff from your room.

It was a bit akward, Yujiro wasn't the best person to have a conversation with.He was nothing like Baki or Retsu for example!His look gives you the signal not to talk to him.

You entered your room and went straight to the bedside table.There, you kept all your clothes, lingerie,socks and etc.

You opened your suitcase and carefully put the clothes in order inside,then went to check out which of your favorite things you would bring with you.You couldn't leave without them!

In the meantime, Yujiro was curious of what exactly you picked to take with you and he started looking through what you had packed.

"What do you need all these clothes for?,it's only for one day",he scoffed.

"Hey!,don't look through my stuff!It's none of your business!"

"Hm?,what do you need this for?",he smirked showing you your swimsuit.

(How did that end up there!),you blushed as you snatched it away from him.

"It must have slipped in accidentally,I didn't plan on taking it with me",you thew it back in one of the drawers and quickly closed it.

Yujiro reopened the drawer but you closed it again.That went on for a minute until you eventually gave up and let him do whatever he wanted with it.You went back at packing your things.

Yujiro curiously looked at the drawer and shoved his hand inside messing up all the well in order things that were in there.More specifically,your lingerie.

(Well look at that...I didn't know she had such things),he thought as he pulled out a red string.A bold idea came in his mind.

He turned behind him and stared at you as you knelt down to put some things in your suitcase.He then looked back at the drawer and picked up the swimsuit he had picked for you the other day at the mall.He wanted to see you wear it.

"Hey",he yelled and you turned back to face him.He threw you the swimsuit and you caught it just in time.

"Why do you always throw stuff around huh?Stop it already!And what am I supposed to do with it anyway?,I'm not going to take it with me".

"Put it on",he demanded and sat down on the bed.

"What?No way!"

"You own me a favor remember?Now hurry up and put it on",he growled as he got impatient.

(Damn it!,I forgot about that!But I didn't expect him to ask me such a thing!I mean I only asked him to braid a small part of his hair!Did I ask for too much?!)

"Fine!Turn around!"

"No.You will change infront of me".

"That's two favors combined!Choose!"

"Don't make me rip your clothes apart",he threatened and you didn't want to argue with him further,so you eventually gave up and started removing your clothing,you threw it on the floor as he watched in satisfaction at your obedience with his arms crossed.

Finally you managed to put the swimsuit on,after struggling in the process as you were trying to cover up your breast and private parts so he wouldn't get any stupid ideas.

"Satisfied?",you glared at him as he stared."You're so weak",you grinned at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?",he said standing up from the bed and stood right infront of you.

"It's like last time.You are staring,you can't hold yourself.You are called the strongest man on earth but there you are, looking at my body.Its like you are going to attack me any moment".

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