I sighed.

"So there's no way I'm getting out of my room.

-Your health is our priority.

-Yeah you've said that before."

I closed the door and clenched my fists. I raised them to my hair and pulled on it a bit. Why did I have to run? Ephraim didn't care about me one bit. I could have left at any moment. I destroyed my way of escape. I was so stupid.


Hearing me scream made the knights behind my door worry:

"Duke Consort? Is everything okay?

-Yes! I just hit my toe against the bed. It's fine.

-Okay... Lell us know if you need anything."

No. It wasn't my fault. I shouldn't get mad at myself. I was the only person I had. I got scared and my feelings were totally valid. He was a killer. A real one. That was far scarier in real life. My body took the upper hand and tried saving me. I should thank it for trying to keep me alive.

I exalted slowly. Everything would be fine. Ephraim still couldn't kill me. The plan didn't change. I would leave as soon as possible. I did feel bad casting Arora aside so easily however. I promised that I would protect her and I needed to pay more attention to her.

I didn't want to admit it but I had no other way. I couldn't climb down from my room and I couldn't run away for now. I needed to sit back and make myself small. I sat back on my bed and started staring at the door. It seemed I just had to wait for my ankle to get better. Or for a good opportunity to arise. I forced myself to exhale again. It would be fine. I was fine.

The best I could do was rest but I was far from tired enough for that. I tried lying down but my recent fainting prevented sleep from coming. I opened my eyes again and started staring at the ceiling. I didn't like being alone with my thoughts and decided to sit up after two seconds. I walked back to my door and opened it again. Of course the knights immediately turned to me:

"Duke Consort? What are you doing standing?

-I'm hungry."

I wasn't lying. I was scared of seeing Ephraim again if I stepped out of the room but I hated being hungry even more.

"Your meal will be brought to you soon. Go back inside, Duke Consort.

-I can go to the dining room.

-The doctor said that you shouldn't walk too much.

-I'm not made of glass."

They exchanged a look.

"I am sorry, Duke Consort. We must insist."

I walked out of my room.

"I got bored of my room.

-Duke Consort..."

I started walking towards the dining room despite not knowing where it was. It really would have been nicer to have my diner in my room but I just didn't like them giving me orders. It was hard to walk but it was too late now. I continued as if nothing, the knights running after me:

"Duke Consort, you should lay down. The doctor said you should rest.

-I will. After I ate.

-Duke Consort..."

Arriving at a corridor, I turned left. The knights immediately called me again:

"Where are you going? The dining room is the other way."

I laughed awkwardly:

"Well, it seems I got distracted. Thank you."

I followed them to the dining room but just as we were arriving, I noticed a familiar silhouette. Seeing Ephraim's back made me freeze.

"Your Highness."

Hearing the knights made Ephraim turn towards us and I couldn't help taking a step back.

"Sliske? Are you back on your feet already?"

I didn't like his smile.

"Were you going to join me for dinner?

-Nope! Not at all. I wasn't hungry, I just felt like walking."

He looked down at my shaking leg:

"With that leg?

-It's not like I have ten other legs. Anyway, I feel way better now."

I turned back towards the knights:

"I will have my dinner in my room. Call for my daughter, I want to eat with her."

I ran away as quickly as possible from Ephraim. I must have looked like a penguin pulling my leg after me while trying not to slip but I didn't care.

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