Eulisses sighed:

"I know that you didn't mean anything bad but what would the Duke say?"

I flinched. He would clearly blow my head off and I didn't want that. But I couldn't admit it either:

"He will never find out.

-We never know.

-Oh, I do!"

I looked at Arora, not daring to say more. I couldn't just say in front of the kid that Emphraim didn't care about her enough to notice her existence.

"Please, Master... Reconsider it. For your own good."

Not liking the tension, Arora quickly shook her head:

"Don't worry, dad. I feel perfectly comfortable.

-Are you sure?"

She quickly nodded:

"Of course. I am just glad that we are spending time together."

That hurt my heart and I cleared my throat.

"Aren't you tired? It's been a long day. Maybe we should go back to your room."

Arora did her best not to look disappointed.

"I could read you a story.


She immediately straightened up and seeing her so excited made me laugh:

"Let's go."

We didn't walk for long however because a few steps away we ran into Ephraim. It was more him running into us than the other way around. As we were walking back into the mansion, we suddenly heard horses. As we turned around we saw Ephraim arrive with his knights at full speed. He jumped off before the horse even stopped. The horse got caught by one of his men as Ephraim rushed towards the entrance. Both Arora and I jumped seeing those cold eyes and we strengthened our hold on the other's hand. What scared us even more, however, was seeing all the blood on Ephraim's clothes.

I got so surprised that I didn't even think about covering Arora's eyes and Eulisses did it instead. Ephraim seemed just as surprised seeing us two. He looked down at our hands and I got so scared that I immediately wanted to let go. I always knew that he was the crazy villain but seeing it in real life was way different. Knowing everything he did in the novel, I didn't even want to know where he was coming from.

Arora on the other hand reacted way differently. While I tried letting go of her, she clung to me even harder. Feeling her shake made me feel bad and I pulled her behind me, trying my best not to die myself. I really hoped that he would just pass us and leave but Ephraim stopped in his tracks. What could I say?

"Hello there."

Ephraim looked up at me with a frown:

"Since when have you two become so close?"

I laughed awkwardly:

"Friendship comes and goes, am I right?


-I don't know."

Having Ephraim so close enabled us to smell the blood and I thought I would puke. I had already seen blood before but it was never so much and it had never smelled so horrible. I immediately covered my nose and tried my best to keep it together.

"Duke Consort!"

Eulisses let go of Arora and grabbed my shoulders:

"Do you feel sick? Are you okay? Quick, call a doctor!"

I quickly shook my head.

"No, no, no... I'm fine. I'm fine."

Ephraim snarled:

"I didn't know that you were scared of blood. I never saw you in this state. But then again I guess that's because you are not the real-"

Even in my state I didn't forget about Arora's hand in mine. I immediately screamed:

"I am! I am Sliske and I never liked the smell of blood."

Ephraim looked taken aback:

"You said you weren't Sliske."

I laughed awkwardly:

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you sure it's not your blood? Of course I am Sliske!"

I couldn't let Arora know that I wasn't her dad. She just started opening up to me. She wasn't my kid but that didn't mean that I felt good hurting her on purpose. Focusing on protecting my identity did help me keep it together in front of so much blood:

"I always have been and always will be. I am Arora's father and I am Sliske."

Ephraim frowned even more and I couldn't help taking a step back. I was so grateful that he was still under the Emperor's hold for now. I didn't want my blood to be on his clothes. I had to get out of here as soon as possible.

"So you are Sliske now?

-I always was. Who else would I be?

-What are you playing at now?

-Nothing. I am sorry for the way I behaved before. I just got my memories all messed up because of the sickness. Anyway, I don't think a child should see you in this state... Or anyone. Have a nice day, bye!"

I rushed around Ephraim and ran away as fast as possible.

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