Birthday party but only us

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wanda is 18 turning 19

request for wandas_firefly I hope you like it <3

Wanda has been buzzing about her birthday party, she's planned everything with Nat who tried not to think too hard about her baby being so grown up and how quick time has flew. She has non-stop been talking about what she has in mind to do with her friends, one of them being to watch movies after the cake is cut.

The big grin on her face made Nat happy, Wanda has always struggled with making friends and there's been many times when she cried in her mother's arms about it. So having 3 friends seemed like a jackpot and she couldn't wait.

"Hey guys!" Wanda yelled, jumping slightly from excitement at seeing her friends. They didn't look at her but they probably just didn't see her.

They were sitting outside on of the benches, as Wanda sat down, the girls acknowledged her.

"Hey Wanda" Luna said with a fake smile and a flat tone but Wanda didn't notice it, she never was good at noticing those things. The others greeted her too and they got back to their conversation with Wanda joining in from time to time.

"So I have something to tell you, well invite you to something and I'm so excited about it! My mom and I have been planning it for months and I have a bunch of cool ideas-"

Eden laughed, "You have to tell us what it is first"

Wanda's eyes widen, "oh yeah! Sorry" she chuckles, "well it's my birthday on Tuesday and I want you guys to come to the party"

"Will there be alcohol?"

"Yeah but not too much"

"Why not?" Luna asked with a confused look.

"I just don't like it that much I guess" she shrugs, "but my cake is going to be so good and awesome! My mom got the best she could find"

"Wait your mom is going to be there?" Irina finally spoke, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, of course" Wanda laughed at the dumb question.

"That's weird but each to their own I guess"

Wanda frowned at Irina's words, her mom is her best friend. Why is it weird to have her there?

She decides not to say anything an shrug it off, asking again if they want to come. With a quick glance to each other, the girls nodded.

Wanda could've jumped out of her seat from happiness.

Later on, as Wanda was about to head back home, Nat called her.

"Hi mommy" she answered, a big smile on her face. She heard the girls laugh behind her but assumed they continued talking.

"Hi sweetheart, sorry for not answering your texts earlier. The meeting went longer than expected"

"It's okay" she chuckles, "I'm heading home now anyway so I'll see you soon?"

"You will, see you soon detka. Bye I love you"

"Bye mama, I love you too"

She hung up, smiling at the fact her mother wouldn't have to go back to the compound for the day and they can stay at home.

"Well I'll see you guys on Tuesday, bye!"

"Bye Wanda!"

As she walks in the kitchen, she runs up giving Nat a big hug. Nat happily wrapped her arms around her daughter. "hello to you too"

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