The aftermath of the raft

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In this story they arent in the avengers compound. they're like in a safe house.

It's been a week since natasha had taken in wanda when they rescued her from the raft. Saying nat was worried was an understatement, wanda hadn't spoken about what happened during her time at the raft. She hasn't spoken much at all.

They were on the kitchen table while nat was trying to get wanda to eat something, wanda being out of her bed was already progress and when wanda put the spoon to her mouth. Natasha couldn't help the soft smile she let out while praising the girl.

"Mama?" wanda's quiet voice breaking the silence, at some occasions she would call nat, mama, which warmed the redhead's heart but also ached knowing she mostly said it when she needed comfort.

"Hi baby, do you need anything?" nat replied, she sat on the couch next to wanda carefully not to startle her. Wanda didn't respond instead she curled up into the russian. This was a big new step, ever since wanda got out of the raft, she didn't want any contact whatsoever with anyone.

"This okay my love?" nat whispered to the younger girl as she slowly wrapped her arms around her.

Wanda nodded taking in the feeling of natasha's arms, she felt like nothing coud come and hurt her again.

They stayed like this for a while until wanda quietly asked if they could watch her favorite sitcoms, natasha didn't hesitate to say yes but as she was getting up, wanda panicked.

"No mama stay!" her eyes filling up with tears. Nat quickly pulled the brunette back in her arms, "you're okay wands, I'm not going anywhere okay? I'm just going to put your sitcoms on and I'll be right back"

Wanda didn't release the death grip she had on nat. She was worried the second she couldn't be with the russian, they would come for her again. More hurt, more torture.

"How about you come with me huh dekta?"

Wanda's eyes snapped up at natasha when she heard the nickname, she always loved it when nat called her that. She nodded slowly, holding hands they went and got everything. They sat back on the couch with wanda basically laying on top of natasha but she was more than okay with it, knowing wanda was finally letting herself get the comfort she needed and wanted.

It was around 2am when wanda woke up panicked because of a nightmare which felt too real, she quickly got up the bed to find natasha. Her vision was blurry by her crying but she didn't care, in that moment she needed to know natasha was safe, that she wasn't dead. That wanda didn't kill her like she did with everyone she loved. Her brother, her parents.

Natasha was woken up by soft cries and the door creaking, "dekta?" she said sitting up trying to get rid of the tiredness from waking up.

Wanda's legs almost gave out there and then, "mama" she cried. Nat opened her arms towards the girl, "It's okay wands, come here"

Wanda quickly climbed in the bed, laying her head against nat's neck. Natasha putting her fingers through wanda's hair to soothe her as she spoke softly, "did you have a nightmare maylskha?"

Wanda nodded trying to speak through her tears, "you- I was back there and- you were-"

"Deep breathes dekta, it's okay you're not there anymore. You're here with me, it's just us"

"You were dead" wanda said quietly, "I wouldn't tell them any information about you and they k-killed you infront of mee!" as she let out heart- wrenching sobs.

Natasha felt her heart drop, knowing they most likely did demand wanda for information about her and her mind twisted it in a sick scenario. She cupped the girl's cheeks softly, "hey hey I'm right here dekta, can you look at me please? I'm right here I promise"

Wanda shook her head being scared that if she did, natasha wouldn't be there and all she would see is her dead body.

"I'm right here I promise, it was just a nightmare wands, it wasn't real. No one killed me okay? I'm right here"

Wanda looked up and they stayed there for a few minutes staring in eachother's eyes, natasha wiping the tears that would drop down wanda's cheeks.

She brought her shaky hand to nat's face and softly touched her nose, her cheeks. She needed to feel this was real. When the realization hit wanda that she was in fact with natasha and no longer in that place, she let out a relieved sob and hugged the redhead tightly. Natahsa wrapped her arms protectively around her letting wanda let all her emotions out knowing she needed to.

As they layed down in the bed with wanda now tucked in natasha's side with her head on her shoulder and a death grip on the front of natasha's shirt. The russian kept whispering sweet things and kissing the top of her head as wanda fell asleep feeling safe for once ever since she got out.

That night wanda didn't have anymore nightmares.


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