You mean a lot to me

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teacher nat for this

wanda is 12-14 and not proof read

Miss Romanoff was Wanda's favorite teacher, many people didn't like her because she was strict but Wanda liked how gentle she actually was when explaining something to someone that doesn't understand, she selfishly hopes she only speaks like that to her only.

She wasn't the best at russian but Nat never made her feel stupid about it, she was allowed to call her Nat but only when it was just them.

She knocked on the classroom door, she always spent lunch break here with her while she was marking papers or they would just talk.

"Come in" Nat said, not even looking up from her desk to see who it is, "hi Wanda"

Wanda smiled shyly at the fact that Nat is so used to her that she doesn't have to look to see who came in, "just say it" she smiled.

Wanda sighed, "she's just so annoying! I wasn't even talking and she blamed me and then when other people talk it's like she doesn't hear them it's not fair" she said pouting in her chair, ranting about her english teacher.

Nat being a teacher herself couldn't necessarily say anything bad about another one of her colleagues but the english teacher did also annoy the redhead, instead she just laughed.

"Don't you have homework I gave you earlier?" she said raising her eyebrows.

Wanda whined, "but I'm stupid, I'm not going to know it"

The woman frowned, "you're not stupid Wanda, russian isn't an easy language to learn, I can help you if you want"

By the way the girl's body language changed, she could tell there was something else going on.

"She always calls me stupid"


Wanda started mumbling, "my mom, I try my best but I just can't get things even if they're showed in the easiest ways sometimes"

Nat sighed sadly, she hated that every story she's heard about Wanda's mom from Wanda herself was never nice.

"Was your dad home last night?" she asked gently.

Wanda shook her head, "I'm glad he isn't most of the time"

The woman got up, getting one of the student chairs and sitting beside Wanda, "you can always come to me about anything going on at home okay? I want you to be safe"

The girl nodded, her eyes watering a little, "I know it's just you never make me feel bad or stupid and you're never mad at me for a mistake"

"I just want you to be safe detka" Nat said giving her a hug. 

Wanda sunk into her arms, crying a little. She always felt so protected in Nat's hugs and she wished she could stay there forever.

"Thanks for that um you mean a lot to me which might sound stupid because you're my teacher" she said, her face bright red.

Nat's heart melted, "it's not stupid, you mean a lot to me too Wanda. Do you want me to help you with your homework?"

The brunette nodded, getting her things out as they worked together while holding hands and Nat rubbing her thumb over Wanda's knuckles, wishing she could bring her home and get her away from her parents.

Natasha romanoff x daughter wanda oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora