Please don't leave me

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wanda's age is 9

Natasha and maria have been flirty with eachother for a while but wanda hasn't noticed anything between them so she wasn't fazed when they would look at eachother a little too long and the smiles.

Maria asked natasha on a date and she said yes, wanda was told to stay here with sam while nat goes out, "why?"

"Because mama is just going out for a few hours okay? I'll be right back" nat smiled.

Wanda shrugged, as long as her mother comes back, "okay mama"

She climbed on nat's lap, gave her a tight hug and went running to sam so they can play. Wanda started to feel weird when this started to happen more, nat and maria went on more dates but wanda didn't know that so she was scared on why her mother was leaving her with sam when going out.

Wanda distanced herself a bit after, she was scared the redhead was maybe visiting another kid she liked better, ready to leave her at any moment.

She was promised they would have their movie night like they did every friday night, "mama!" wanda yelled happily as she spotted her in her room, she was a bit confused on why the redhead was wearing a fancy dress but pushed it to the back of her mind.

"Hi dekta" nat said as she smiled, "you okay?"

Wanda nodded, "movie night!"

Nat's smile fell a little and wanda's confusion heightened, did she not want movie nights anymore?

"I'm sorry dekta we can do movie night tomorrow okay?"

Wanda pouted already feeling tears building up, "but friday is movie night mama"

Nat sighed as she brushed wanda's hair behind her ear, "I know baby I'm very sorry, mama ust forgot and I have to go out"

Wanda's sadness turned into anger , why was her mother leaving so much and now leaving on their night. She ran out the room and went into hers, hiding in the closet.

As she sat there, she started thinking about how much time away nat has been spending, did she do something wrong? of course nat would leave her, who would want a monster like her?

The brunette started crying in her hands, she realized how much she slept in her own bed when usually she would just sleep with nat. She eventually cried herself to sleep, waking up to being in her own bed.

She didn't want to go out of her room and be disappointed again by asking her mother for them to go out for ice cream, it feels like everytime she asked for them to do something together, nat would already have plans.

She heard a knock at her door but she ignored it and kept facing the wall, the door opened as she fought off tears hoping her mother wasn't going again.


She didn't reply or move, she was mad and sad. She felt the bed dip a little and a hand on her back.

"Can I talk to you please dekta?"

Wanda's heart started racing, is this the time nat would say she's going to leave her? but if she did, she wouldn't have called her dekta, right?

She sat up slowly and faced her mom. Nat brushed her fingers through her daughter's mom, "I have something to tell you"

She nodded slightly for her to continue.

"You know maria? commander hill?"

Wanda nodded, confused on why she's bringing up maria to her.

"Well we've been going out for a few dates and yesterday she asked me to be her girlfriend so now we're girlfriends"

Wanda felt a lump in her throat, it was always her and nat, she didn't know how it would change now that someone else is involved but she could see the pure happiness in nat's eyes, she tried acting happy for her mom.

It's been 2 weeks since nat told her and wanda was hating every second of it, she liked maria knowing she was a nice person but she didn't want her to take away the only person wanda has left.

Everytime wanda went to ask her mom for something or ask her for them to do something together, maria would also be there. She lost it when maria came to their movie night, that was something nat always promised her it would involve them and she broke it.

She ran to her room sobbing while throwing everything she saw at the floor and the walls, she was losing natasha and she couldn't stop it.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her trying to stop her but she screamed and wailed to let her go, her throat was hurting but she couldn't stop the pain she was feeling.

"Dekta please calm down it's okay shh" nat didn't know what caused wanda to burst out like this and it terrified her seeing her daughter be so angry and upset, this was clearly something that's been happening for a while and something triggered it lose.

After 20 minutes, wanda stopped and sank down as nat brought her head to her chest.

"You're okay dekta, you ready to talk?"

Wanda whimpered, "y-you don't l-love me anymore!"

Nat was taken back, this wasn't what she expected, "what? who told you this wanda? I love you more than anything"

"Noo!" she whined, "you never spend t-time with me anymore!"

"Oh baby" nat felt tears in her eyes, how could she be so stupid, she was so focused on her and maria that she forgot wanda might be having a hard time with someone else in their life.

"Y- you keep leaving me and- and move night y-you always said that's just for us"

Nat held her tighter, she felt so guilty, "oh my dekta I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel anything like this. I'm so sorry I didn't realize what I was doing, mama will always want to spend time with you and I promise I'll tell maria movie night is just for us, she'll understand"

Wanda sniffled as she dug her head more into the redhead's chest, nat continued.

"I promise we'll spend more time together just us. I'm very sorry we haven't been lately dekta but I love you so much and mama never meant for you to feel like this"

Wanda looked up, "I don't want her to take you away from me" she whispered.

"She won't maylshka I promise no one ever will" she kissed her forehead and kept holding her.

Nat kept her promise and wanda was happy. She also started to bond a lot with maria and nat couldn't be happier that both her favorite people were happy.

wrote this a while ago and i didnt read it over for mistakes because i cba tbh so sorry if theres any mistakes

Natasha romanoff x daughter wanda oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now