Chapter 1: Bookshops Are Indeed A Magical Place

Start from the beginning

Maybe that's how the little guy got in?

I rushed towards the girls toilet, opened the door quickly, and shut it even faster. I sighed and looked for the butterfly.

Was it in one of the sinks? Nope.

In one of the stalls? Nope.

How can it be SO hard just to find one pretty butterfly? I groaned and looked at the mirror.

My hair used to be so long and wavy, now it's short and dyed (dip-dyed to be more precise). I chuckled at the memory of when I was seven and I asked Dad if I could dye my hair red. He was literally paralysed with fear, and I remember him saying what was in hair dye, and how his sister (Lindsey) turned out due to hair dye.

I missed my parents so much. I honestly feel lost now. I have nobody to turn to, nowhere to call 'home'. My whole life is one big screw up.

I stared at my reflection as it glimmered in the mirror. Mom was right, I did look more like her than my dad. My facial expressions and hair definitely matched to hers, but I had my dad's mysterious, bright blue eyes. I giggled and started messing with my hair, grinning like a fool.

As I stared at the reflection I noticed something. "Aha! I've got you now!" I said perking up. I placed my palm to the nearest right corner of the mirror and offered the very adorable butterfly my palm to be lifted on, which it accepted. I chuckled to myself. "You're a very polite butterfly, you know?"

I opened the small window with the hand which was available and gently lifted up the butterfly and it flew away gracefully. I smiled and turned around, only to nearly slip and shatter all my bones because of a leaflet. Don't people know what a bin is!? I rolled my eyes and picked it up.

I flipped over the leaflet to see who it could have belonged to, but what was on it caught my eye. A new bookshop?

I quickly scanned through the leaflet and noticed that it was opening today. 1pm until 3pm, in town. I recently got all my books and mangas taken off me as I answered Lindsey back.

I really need to read a particular manga as I promised my Tumblr friend that I would read the book and write a review on it. That's due tomorrow.

Is this a coincidence? Is this a message from God telling me I must read this manga in order to become a good Tumblr user?

I scratched my head. Aunt Lindsey will kill me if I'm not back by 3:30pm! And it's literally 2pm, and it takes half an hour to get from here to town! I can't ditch class! English is next, and English is literally my only specialty. I started pacing, panicking, stomping, you name it!

Then it hit me.

When will I ever have the opportunity to buy new books? Lindsey has blocked the sites where I can buy stuff. WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT MY BOOKS?!

Maybe I could ditch class. I do need some new books...

Maybe, just maybe, Aunt Lindsey won't mind if I, you know, take a quick detour...?


I held the leaflet right up to my face, sweat dripping down my face due to the heat. This 'magical' bookshop is indeed magical when it comes to directions.

Turn right then...Nope.

Turn left, go straight and...Nope.

Go down, go right then...WHAT'S THE ACTUAL POINT!?

I was losing it. "ARGH!" I screamed. I was lost. Completely and absolutely lost.

"Erm, Miss?" Said a gentle, sweet voice. "What is the matter?" I looked up to where the voice was coming from. It belonged to a pale, blonde man with round glasses. He was wearing a massive brown coat and a brown hat to match. How strange.

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