Part 29

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It had been about a week since Glenn and Maggie left to join Abraham on his journey to take Eugene to DC. It had also been a week and a few days since Daryl and Carol went missing.

Amanda had the most skill when it came to tracking, so she would alternate on who she took with her, to give everyone experience tracking.
It was about 0600 when Rick rolled over, reaching over to pull Amanda close to him but felt the empty spot. He opened his eyes, sighing as he saw her gear gone. He stood up, walking over to the window, just in time to catch her coming up out of the tree lines.

Amanda had a rope tied around her waist and was dragging a deer behind her. It was a decent sized doe, enough to get them by for a few days. Amanda tried to hunt as often as possible, to minimize the use of the canned food.

Rick watched her in awe, smiling softly before he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He walked outside, walking over to meet Amanda halfway, "it's six in the morning, how long have you been gone?" He asked

"I didn't sleep much. I've been up since about 4." Amanda breathed out, looking up at Rick. She had sweat beads on her forehead, even though it was getting to be colder outside. She had dirt and blood on her face, and her clothes were stained, "I'm gonna gut this thing and then get it cooked up for breakfast. I found some eggs in a tree, they're decent sized." Amanda said as she wiped her forehead

"Amanda, you don't have to do all this." Rick said gently as he reached over to grab her shoulder

Amanda sighed softly, "Daryl isn't here, so I need to pick up his slack. Big boots to fill. Big, angry redneck boots." Amanda said. She looked up as Maverick trailed out of the woods with a rabbit in his mouth, "Why don't you go inside, get some rice cooking and i'll prep the deer?" Amanda asked

Rick nodded, exhaling deeply, "Take a rest later. I don't need you out there getting hurt." he said as he walked back inside. Rick was inside for about 30 minutes before he heard Amanda shout.
He grabbed his python and ran outside but stopped dead in his tracks seeing Daryl and a young boy besides him.

Daryl looked at Amanda, breathing heavily, "we need y'all's help." He said, "W-we found beth but now carols missing." he said

"Who is this guy?" Amanda asked, wiping her forehead with her wrist, accidentally smearing deer blood on her face. She looked a bit off putting in that moment - her hair was in two braids, but had mud in it. Her t shirt was stained with blood and her face had fresh blood on it as well.

"This is Noah. He's gonna help us get 'em back." Daryl said

Rick walked over, nodding at Noah before he brought Daryl in for a brief hug. He looked at Amanda and scrunched up his eyebrows, "you look like a child that's been abandoned in the woods and raised by a pack of coyotes." He said

"I know, I'm probably not the first sight the new guy wants to see." Amanda admitted, looking at Noah. Her bright eyes were glistening, "Hi, I'm Amanda." She smiled softly

Noah couldn't help but examine her, not in a sexual way but to examine the mess she had all over, "hello.." he said slowly

"I can finish cutting up meat if you wanna clean up." Daryl offered

"Thank you." Amanda smiled, "I'll hug you after i clean off." She promised, jogging up the stairs to the church

"This guy said Beth and Carol are inside of a hospital. They got guns, people, medical stuff... he said it's rough in there. Run by some bitch named Dawn. We gotta get 'em out." Daryl said as he crouched down, cutting up the rest of the meat for Amanda

Rick nodded, "We'll take game plans over food. Y'all are probably starving." He said, looking at Noah, "come inside." he told them, walking up the stairs to the church.
He sat down on one of the pews, watching as Tyrese began cooking up the deer meat

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