Part 15

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Trigger warning : Attempted S/A


It had been 6 months since the farm went up in flames. The group was moving location to location, trying to find some sort of stability. Lori was a liability, due to being pregnant. They all tried to accommodate the best they could - taking frequent breaks, giving her extra rations and being kinder to each other, to stress her out less.

It was currently around 5:00pm and the group desperately needed to find shelter. It was snowing aggressively and the vehicles were low on gasoline. There was a heavy tension that lingered in the air, since the group found out Rick killed Shane and he withheld information regarding the virus.

Amanda was studying the map, sitting in the passengers seat of Hershel's SUV while Rick drove, "We've hit a lot of these places." Amanda said softly, folding up the map, "stop!" she said, "a motel! a motel!" She exclaimed, "We can clear out some rooms and stay there. A storm is coming and it can provide shelter." Amanda said

Rick honked the horn, signaling to the group he wanted to pull over. He drove into the parking lot of the motel, sighing softly. He felt weak, physically and emotionally. He knew the group didn't trust him very much, so he took a knee from leading the group and let amanda and daryl take the reigns.

Amanda slid on her jacket, "i love you." she said, taking ricks hand and kissing his knuckles. Amanda was trying her best not to act differently with Rick, but the more pregnant Lori got, the more uncomfortable Amanda got. She couldn't help but feel sick at the idea of Lori being pregnant with Ricks child, while in a relationship with Amanda. She knew it was unlikely, but they wouldn't know until the child was older and their facial features began to set in.

"I love you." Rick said quietly, looking up at her. He looked drained, his eyes heavy.

Amanda squeezed his hand before climbing out of the car, "Alright, let's set up camp here." Amanda said, "Maggie, Daryl, T-Dog and I will clear out rooms. Glenn and Carol, there's a gas station a couple miles back, scope it out and come back, let us know the situation and I'll go scavenge with Glenn." Amanda said as everyone gathered around the car but Rick. He stayed, frozen, in the drivers seat, holding the wheel quietly.

"What's my job?" Carl asked, eagerly

"Youuuu..." Amanda said chewing on the inside of her lip, "You and I can clear out the lobby." Amanda offered, smiling as Carls face lit up. Amanda nodded at the group before leading Carl to the lobby, "okay, you open the door, i'll go in." Amanda said, "once i give you the okay, you come in. do not use your gun unless you need to." She explained, nodding as she kicked open the door. She held her knife up, looking around, "carl!" amanda called, "come here." she said, watching as he ran in eagerly. Amanda pointed at the walker that was pinned down underneath a fallen shelf, "take him out." amanda said, handing him her knife, handle side first. Amanda had taken over a paternal role for Carl. Lori was so consumed with surviving and preparing for birth and Rick was stuck in his slump, Amanda took it upon herself to train Carl, since she knew he was afraid.

Carl nodded as he kneeled down and stabbed the walker in the head.

Amanda smiled, "atta boy." She smiled, leading him to the back room, where another walker was straggling, "ready?" she asked him. She lunged forward, pinning the walker to the wall, "now!" amanda yelled as carl rushed over, stabbing the walker in the head. Amanda smiled, "alright,
look around for stuff then let's go see if they need help clearing rooms." amanda said.

Amanda and carl looked around for a few minutes before walking outside to join the group. Amanda smiled as she saw Rick had gotten out of the car and helped clear their room, "hey, good job." amanda encouraged, rubbing his back, "can you bring our bags inside and set up our room? i'm going to run to the gas station with Glenn." Amanda said

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