Chapter I: "Gem" Glow

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but it's still a bummer though." Steven sighed.

Pink looked at him in sympathy, but then a lightbulb went off in her head.

She nudged him with his elbow. "Hey, I'll tell you what - Maybe later if we have the time, we can look up a recipe online and see if we can make our own Cookie Cats."

Steven gasped. "Really??"

"Of course," Pink ruffled his hair, making the boy protest while laughing.


They eventually made it to the beach house Steven called home, unaware of the chaos that was happening inside.

They walked up the steps and opened the door.

"Hey, you guys won't believe this-"

Steven was interrupted by a gem monster lunging for him.

Pink quickly pulled him out of the way, unsheathing her sword.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, just a little surprised."

They spotted the Crystal Gems fighting against an infestation of centipeedles.

"Sup, Steven?" Amethyst waved at the boy, before hurling the centipeedle that tried to attack him into the wall with her whip.

They saw Pearl, gracefully fighting off the centipeedles from the warp pad.

She kicked one towards Garnet, who grabbed it and snapped its spine over her knee.

"Awesome!" Steven yelled, starstruck as he set the Cookie Cat freezer down, staring at the centipeedles.

Pearl dragged a centipeedle out from under the coffee table.

"Ugh, sorry Steven. We'll get this centipeedles out of your room," she said. "We think they were trying to get into the temple.."

"We don't have to get rid of 'em! They're really cool!" Steven said, looking at the one Pearl was dragging.

"You really think they're cool after one just tried to bite your face off?" Pink questioned, confusion clear on her face.

The centipeedle suddenly spat out a green liquid that landed dangerously close to them, melting the floor.

Amethyst slammed a centipeedle into the temple wall, and it poofed.

"Uh, guys? These things don't have gems!"

"That means there must be a mother nearby," said Garnet. A centipeedle tried to sneak up on her from the side, resulting in Garnet punching it square in the face.

"We should probably find it before anyone gets hurt." Pearl stated, worried about what potential harm the mother could cause.

Steven perked up."Ooh, can I come? Can I? Can I?"

"Steven, I'm sorry, but without your mother's powers, we'd only be putting you in danger. We'll take care of protecting humanity, okay?" Pearl told him, snapping the neck of the centipeedle she was holding.

Steven looked down with a sigh, before realizing that there was a centipeedle rummaging through the fridge.

"Hey, get out of there!" He yelled, shooing the centipeedle away.

"Go on! Shoo! Shoo! Aww, they got into everything. Not cool!" He exclaimed.

He glanced in the freezer, gasping.

"No way..."

In the freezer were a huge batch of Cookie Cats. "It can't be..."

He took a Cookie Cat into his hands. "How did you get these!? I thought they stopped making them!"

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